
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在学习Processing 4 编程应用程序以及它使用的Java。我已经创建了一个草图,现在想要添加一个我下载的库(名为 Jama)来求解线性方程组。根据处理帮助,我需要在草图文件夹中创建一个名为库的目录并将库放在那里,我就是这样做的。但是,当我尝试导入它(导入 Jama.*)时,应用程序抱怨找不到它。下载后,Jama 包包含每个类的 .java 和 .class 文件。我还需要做些什么才能使这个库可用吗?


对于贡献管理器(“导入库...”子菜单中的添加库...”)要与 Jama 库一起使用,理想情况下需要将其包装为处理库

如果您只是想在测试草图中使用该库,则无需将 Jama 包装为处理库:

  1. 下载 Jama 库 .jar 文件
  2. 制作一个新的处理草图并保存
  3. 将 Jama-1.0.3.jar 拖放到草图顶部。 (这将在您的草图中创建一个名为“code”的子文件夹)


import Jama.*;

这里是 Jama 示例 作为处理草图:

import Jama.*; 
import java.util.Date;

 Matrix magic (int n) {

    double[][] M = new double[n][n];

    // Odd order

    if ((n % 2) == 1) {
       int a = (n+1)/2;
       int b = (n+1);
       for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
             M[i][j] = n*((i+j+a) % n) + ((i+2*j+b) % n) + 1;

    // Doubly Even Order

    } else if ((n % 4) == 0) {
       for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
             if (((i+1)/2)%2 == ((j+1)/2)%2) {
                M[i][j] = n*n-n*i-j;
             } else {
                M[i][j] = n*i+j+1;

    // Singly Even Order

    } else {
       int p = n/2;
       int k = (n-2)/4;
       Matrix A = magic(p);
       for (int j = 0; j < p; j++) {
          for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
             double aij = A.get(i,j);
             M[i][j] = aij;
             M[i][j+p] = aij + 2*p*p;
             M[i+p][j] = aij + 3*p*p;
             M[i+p][j+p] = aij + p*p;
       for (int i = 0; i < p; i++) {
          for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) {
             double t = M[i][j]; M[i][j] = M[i+p][j]; M[i+p][j] = t;
          for (int j = n-k+1; j < n; j++) {
             double t = M[i][j]; M[i][j] = M[i+p][j]; M[i+p][j] = t;
       double t = M[k][0]; M[k][0] = M[k+p][0]; M[k+p][0] = t;
       t = M[k][k]; M[k][k] = M[k+p][k]; M[k+p][k] = t;
    return new Matrix(M);

 String fixedWidthDoubletoString (double x, int w, int d) {
    java.text.DecimalFormat fmt = new java.text.DecimalFormat();
    String s = fmt.format(x);
    while (s.length() < w) {
       s = " " + s;
    return s;

 String fixedWidthIntegertoString (int n, int w) {
    String s = Integer.toString(n);
    while (s.length() < w) {
       s = " " + s;
    return s;

| Tests LU, QR, SVD and symmetric Eig decompositions.
|   n       = order of magic square.
|   trace   = diagonal sum, should be the magic sum, (n^3 + n)/2.
|   max_eig = maximum eigenvalue of (A + A')/2, should equal trace.
|   rank    = linear algebraic rank,
|             should equal n if n is odd, be less than n if n is even.
|   cond    = L_2 condition number, ratio of singular values.
|   lu_res  = test of LU factorization, norm1(L*U-A(p,:))/(n*eps).
|   qr_res  = test of QR factorization, norm1(Q*R-A)/(n*eps).
void setup(){
  print("\n    Test of Matrix Class, using magic squares.\n");
  print("    See MagicSquareExample.main() for an explanation.\n");
  print("\n      n     trace       max_eig   rank        cond      lu_res      qr_res\n\n");
  Date start_time = new Date();
  double eps = Math.pow(2.0,-52.0);
  for (int n = 3; n <= 32; n++) {
     Matrix M = magic(n);
     int t = (int) M.trace();
     EigenvalueDecomposition E =
        new EigenvalueDecomposition(M.plus(M.transpose()).times(0.5));
     double[] d = E.getRealEigenvalues();
     int r = M.rank();
     double c = M.cond();
     print(c < 1/eps ? fixedWidthDoubletoString(c,12,3) :
        "         Inf");
     LUDecomposition LU = new LUDecomposition(M);
     Matrix L = LU.getL();
     Matrix U = LU.getU();
     int[] p = LU.getPivot();
     Matrix R = L.times(U).minus(M.getMatrix(p,0,n-1));
     double res = R.norm1()/(n*eps);
     QRDecomposition QR = new QRDecomposition(M);
     Matrix Q = QR.getQ();
     R = QR.getR();
     R = Q.times(R).minus(M);
     res = R.norm1()/(n*eps);
  Date stop_time = new Date();
  double etime = (stop_time.getTime() - start_time.getTime())/1000.;
  print("\nElapsed Time = " + 
     fixedWidthDoubletoString(etime,12,3) + " seconds\n");


    Test of Matrix Class, using magic squares.
    See MagicSquareExample.main() for an explanation.

      n     trace       max_eig   rank        cond      lu_res      qr_res

      3        15        15.000      3       4.330       0.000      11.333
      4        34        34.000      3         Inf       0.000      13.500
      5        65        65.000      5       5.462       0.000      14.400
      6       111       111.000      5         Inf       5.333      16.000
      7       175       175.000      7       7.111       2.286      37.714
      8       260       260.000      3         Inf       0.000      59.000
      9       369       369.000      9       9.102       7.111      53.333
     10       505       505.000      7         Inf       3.200     159.200
     11       671       671.000     11      11.102       2.909     215.273
     12       870       870.000      3         Inf       0.000     185.333
     13      1105      1105.000     13      13.060       4.923     313.846
     14      1379      1379.000      9         Inf       4.571     540.571
     15      1695      1695.000     15      15.062       4.267     242.133
     16      2056      2056.000      3         Inf       0.000     488.500
     17      2465      2465.000     17      17.042       7.529     267.294
     18      2925      2925.000     11         Inf       7.111     520.889
     19      3439      3439.000     19      19.048      16.842     387.368
     20      4010      4010.000      3         Inf      14.400     584.800
     21      4641      4641.000     21      21.035       6.095    1158.095
     22      5335      5335.000     13         Inf       6.545    1132.364
     23      6095      6095.000     23      23.037      11.130    1268.870
     24      6924      6924.000      3         Inf      10.667     827.500
     25      7825      7825.000     25      25.029      35.840    1190.400
     26      8801      8801.000     15         Inf       4.923    1859.077
     27      9855      9855.000     27      27.032      37.926    1365.333
     28     10990     10990.000      3         Inf      34.286    1365.714
     29     12209     12209.000     29      29.025      30.897    1647.448
     30     13515     13515.000     17         Inf       8.533    2571.733
     31     14911     14911.000     31      31.027      33.032    1426.581
     32     16400     16400.000      3         Inf       0.000    1600.125

Elapsed Time =        0.046 seconds

如果您不想继续将 Jama-1.0.3.jar 文件复制到每个新草图中,您可以尝试以下操作:

  1. 将 Jama-1.0.3.jar 重命名为 Jama.jar
  2. 使用嵌套文件夹模仿处理库文件夹结构:例如
  3. 将 Jama.jar 复制到


import Jama.*;


中。 只需一点点额外的努力,将其包装为处理库并与社区共享并不复杂(因此您未来的自己和其他人可以在贡献管理器中找到它)。这也是添加包装函数以根据需要简化语法的机会(例如,在需要时使用浮点数的重写方法、用于绘制/绘制结果的实用程序等)

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