
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我目前在 JavaScript 中有一个 imageslider 函数,当用户单击媒体箭头时,它可以将一个图像切换为另一个图像。它工作正常,但第一次加载每个图像时会出现延迟。我的问题是...是否有一种更有效的方法来同时加载多个图像然后隐藏/使其可见,而不是一次加载每个图像(使用 div 背景图像)?这是我当前正在使用的 JavaScript 函数...

let imageNames = [];

function slideImage(offset = 0) {
  var pc = document.querySelector(".slider");
  var imageLocation = "/image/profile/";

  let maxCount = imageNames.length - 1;

  if (typeof index === "undefined") {
    index = 0;
  } else {
    index += offset;

    if (index > maxCount) {
      index = 0;
    } else if (index < 0) {
      index = maxCount;

  pc.style.backgroundImage = "URL('" + imageLocation + imageNames[index] + ".webp')";
javascript image performance slider background-image

这是一个使用 fetch() 异步加载所有图像的示例。



// EDIT Added as it was being used in the original code
let index

let imageNames = [
  // EDIT image paths are now added here by preLoadImages( )

// EDIT added list of image urls to be preloaded by preLoadImages( )
let remoteImageNames = [

// EDIT added call to new function
preLoadImages( )

// EDIT added function
function preLoadImages( ) {
  for( let image of remoteImageNames ) {
    getImageDataURL( image, imgUrl => {
      imageNames.push( imgUrl )

      document.querySelector(".slider").innerText = "CLICK FOR NEXT IMAGE"
    } )

function slideImage(offset = 0) {
  var pc = document.querySelector(".slider");
  // EDIT for demo
  // var imageLocation = "/image/profile/";
  var imageLocation = "";

  let maxCount = imageNames.length - 1;

  if (typeof index === "undefined") {
    index = 0;
  } else {
    index += offset;

    if (index > maxCount) {
      index = 0;
    } else if (index < 0) {
      index = maxCount;

  // EDIT for demo
  // pc.style.backgroundImage = "URL('" + imageLocation + imageNames[index] + ".webp')";
  pc.style.backgroundImage = "URL('" + imageLocation + imageNames[index] + "')";

// EDIT added function
// fetch()'s image specified in the url
function getImageDataURL( url, callback=null ) {
  fetch( url )
  .then( result => result.blob() )
  .then( blob => {
    let fileReader = new FileReader( );

    fileReader.onload = event => {  // loadend event happens successfull or not. load event happens only for success
      if( callback ) callback( fileReader.result );
    fileReader.readAsDataURL( blob );  // Trigger file read
  } )
.slider {
  width:  400px;
  height: 400px;
  border: 1px solid gray;
  box-shadow: 2px 2px 4px black;
  border-radius: 10px;
  margin: 20px;
  background-size: contain;
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
        <div class="slider" onclick="slideImage(1)">
          PLEASE WAIT...

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