如果我的输入数组为(10,10,20,20,30,30,40,40,50,50),我想返回一个简单的代码片段(1,2,3,4,5, 6,7,8,9,10)。我正在尝试实现ABC分类,目前正在使用此代码:
For i = 1 To noA 'noA number of items should be classified as "A"
'return the item number with the i'th largest number in arrTembABC
intTemp = Application.Match(WorksheetFunction.Large(arrTempABC, i), arrTempABC, True)
'assign the category "A" to 'intTemp' item number
SKUinfo(intTemp, 12) = "A"
Next i
'some printing code
因此,对于上面讨论的数组(请参见“ avg值”),该代码仅对每个重复值的第一个实例进行分类,其余均为空白(请参见“ ABC_CategCry”)]
Sub ABCclass(ByRef swtcABCclass As Integer, ByRef prcA As Double, ByRef prcB As Double, _
ByRef prcC As Double)
Dim arrTempABC() As Double, i As Integer, j As Integer, intTemp As Integer, tempABC As Double
Dim noA As Integer, noB As Integer, noC As Integer, arrTempTSno() As Integer
ReDim arrTempABC(1 To tsTot)
ReDim arrTempTSno(1 To tsTot)
'populate the array that holds the values by which we classify the SKUs
If swtcABCclass = 1 Then 'ABC based on volume*value
For i = 1 To tsTot
arrTempABC(i) = SKUinfo(i, 11) * SKUinfo(i, 5) 'average monthly volume*value (cost)
arrTempTSno(i) = i 'just hold the position (ascending number of the timeseries/SKU)
Next i
ElseIf swtcABCclass = 2 Then 'ABC based on volume
For i = 1 To tsTot
arrTempABC(i) = SKUinfo(i, 11) ' average monthly volume
arrTempTSno(i) = i
Next i
End If
'find the limits of each class (in terms of percentages of SKUbase)
noA = WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(tsTot * prcA, 0) 'first prcA% of the tsTot (number of timeseries or SKUs) are in class A
noB = noA + WorksheetFunction.RoundDown(tsTot * prcB, 0)
noC = tsTot
'sort arrTempABC while saving the positions in a seperate array
For i = 2 To tsTot
tempABC = arrTempABC(i)
intTemp = arrTempTSno(i)
For j = i - 1 To 1 Step -1
If arrTempABC(j) >= tempABC Then Exit For
arrTempABC(j + 1) = arrTempABC(j)
arrTempTSno(j + 1) = arrTempTSno(j)
arrTempABC(j + 1) = tempABC
arrTempTSno(j + 1) = intTemp
'now that i have the sorted positions, i can just assign the categories
For i = 1 To noA 'noa number of items should be classified as "A"
SKUinfo(arrTempTSno(i), 12) = "A"
Next i
For i = noA + 1 To noB 'nob - (noa +1) number of items should be classified as "B"
SKUinfo(arrTempTSno(i), 12) = "B"
Next i
For i = noB + 1 To noC 'noc - (nob +1) number of items should be classified as "C"
SKUinfo(arrTempTSno(i), 12) = "C"
Next i
End Sub