这更多的是一个假设性问题。有时 JavaScript 代码可能会进入无限循环并阻塞一切,特别是在开发的早期阶段。我知道最好的解决方案是编码,这样这种情况就不会出现,但如果在某种情况下不可能编写完整的代码怎么办(可能是因为我们无法控制输入或其他东西)。
如何才能做到这一点呢?是否可以通过单独确定某个线程(主线程或子线程)的 CPU 使用率来确定该线程何时处于无限循环中?
var count = 0
//assume infinite loop, exit to avoid locking up browser while debugging
最有效的检测无限循环的方法是进行测试来运行代码并告诉您是否有无限循环:使用测试框架(这在 2014 年是正确的,在 2024 年仍然是正确的,它毫无疑问,到 2034 年及以后仍然如此 =)
取而代之的是,一种非常简单但 95%“足以帮助您防止它们”的方法是告诉您的 linter 标记 while
for (let i=100; i>=0; i++)
告诉你,有人编写的代码很可能有错误,无论是现在还是将来当其他人修改循环体时。最后,您还可以使用预处理器重写所有循环,以在开发模式下运行时包含中断计数器(例如,您可能已经在使用转译器,因为您正在编写打字稿,或者使用 esbuild 捆绑代码或 webpack 等),这样就可以:
for (...) {
// ...
while (...) {
// ...
do {
// ...
} while (...)
(() => {
// Infinite Loop Detection Wrapper
let __break_counter = 0;
for (...) {
if (__break_counter++ > 1000) {
throw new Error(`...`);
// ...
(() => {
// Infinite Loop Detection Wrapper
let __break_counter = 0;
while (...) {
if (__break_counter++ > 1000) {
throw new Error(`...`);
// ...
(() => {
// Infinite Loop Detection Wrapper
let __break_counter = 0;
do {
if (__break_counter++ > 1000) {
throw new Error(`...`);
// ...
} while(...)
当您使用浏览器内“编辑器”时,这往往是您唯一的选择,即页面的某些页面允许人们编写代码,然后您的页面在 iframe、画布等上预览/呈现。您没有可用的源代码构建系统和 linting 工具。例如,以下是一个用 vanilla JS 编写的简单循环保护,它可以插入几乎任何东西:
const errorMessage = `Potentially infinite loop detected.`;
const loopStart = /\b(for|while)[\r\n\s]*\([^\)]+\)[\r\n\s]*{/;
const doLoopStart = /\bdo[\r\n\s]*{/;
const doLoopChunk =
* Walk through a string of source code, and wrap all `for`, `while`, and
* `do...while` in IIFE that count the number of iterations and throw if
* that number gets too high.
* Note that this uses an ESM export, but you can trivially rewrite this
* to `module.exports = loopGuard(...)` if you need legacy CJS, or
* `window.loopGuard = function loopGuard(...)` if you need a browser
* global (but neither should be necessary anymore at time of posting).
* @param {String} code The source code to "safe-i-fy".
* @param {number?} loopLimit The iteration count threshold for throwing.
* @param {number?} blockLimit The replacement count threshold, after which this function decides it's probably in an infinite loop, itself.
* @returns {String} The code with all loop blocks wrapped in safety IIFE.
export function loopGuard(code, loopLimit = 1000, blockLimit = 1000) {
let ptr = 0;
let iterations = 0;
while (ptr < code.length) {
if (iterations++ > blockLimit) throw new Error(errorMessage);
const codeLength = code.length;
let block = ``;
let loop = ptr + code.substring(ptr).search(loopStart);
let doLoop = ptr + code.substring(ptr).search(doLoopStart);
// do the numbers make sense?
if (loop < ptr) loop = codeLength;
if (doLoop < ptr) doLoop = codeLength;
if (loop === codeLength && doLoop === codeLength) return code;
// if we ge there, we have a source block to extract:
let nextPtr = -1;
if (loop < codeLength && loop <= doLoop) {
nextPtr = loop;
block = getLoopBlock(code, loop);
} else if (doLoop < codeLength) {
nextPtr = doLoop;
block = getDoLoopBlock(code, doLoop);
// Quick sanity check:
if (block === `` || nextPtr === -1) return code;
// Replace the block's code and increment the pointer so that it points
// to just after the IIFE's throw instruction. Note that we don't increment
// it by wrapped.length, because the code we just wrapped might have nested
// loops, and we don't want to skip those.
const wrapped = wrap(block, loopLimit);
code = code.substring(0, ptr) + code.substring(ptr).replace(block, wrapped);
ptr = nextPtr + wrapped.indexOf(errorMessage) + errorMessage.length + 6;
return code;
* In order to find the full for/while block, we need to start at
* [position], and then start tracking curly braces until we're back
* at depth = 0.
function getLoopBlock(code, position = 0) {
let char = ``;
let depth = 1;
let pos = code.indexOf(`{`, position) + 1;
while (depth > 0 && position < code.length) {
char = code[pos];
if (char === `{`) depth++;
else if (char === `}`) depth--;
if (pos >= code.length) {
throw new Error(`Parse error: source code end prematurely.`);
return code.substring(position, pos);
* Extract everything from [position] up to and including the final
* "while (...)". Note that we do not allow comments between the do's
* body and the while conditional. That is: you can do it, but then
* we won't guard your loop.
function getDoLoopBlock(code, position = 0) {
const chunk = code.substring(position);
const block = chunk.match(doLoopChunk)[0];
const end = chunk.indexOf(block) + block.length;
return chunk.substring(0, end);
* wrap a block of code in the break counter IIFE, breaking out of the
* loop by way of a throw if more than [loopLimit] iterations occur.
function wrap(block, loopLimit = 1000) {
return `((__break__counter=0) => {
if (__break__counter++ > ${loopLimit}) {
throw new Error("${errorMessage}");
可以判断特定的循环结构是否可能永远不会停止”,并且你绝对设置警告工具向您介绍无限循环的可能性(此外,当您使用很可能导致无限循环错误的模式时警告您)。 您通常不需要知道是否存在存在