print "\n", "Press the 'I' key for instructions", "\n";
my $a = readline STDIN;
chomp $a;
#This next line is what is what I'm thinking of
if (keyPressed eq "I" || "i")
print "\n", "Instructions: blah, blah, blah", "\n";
print "\n", "Click your mouse if you want to exit the instructions", "\n";
while (mouseClicked = True)
print "\n", "Press the 'I' key for instructions", "\n";
if (keyPressed eq "I" || "i")
print "\n", "Instructions: blah, blah, blah", "\n";
print "\n", "Click your mouse if you want to exit the instructions", "\n";
use Term::RawInput;
my $prompt='PROMPT : ';
my ($input,$key)=('','');
print "\nRawInput=$input" if $input;
print "\nKey=$key\n" if $key;
print "Captured F1\n" if $key eq 'F1';
print "Captured ESCAPE\n" if $key eq 'ESC';
print "Captured DELETE\n" if $key eq 'DELETE';
print "Captured PAGEDOWN\n" if $key eq 'PAGEDOWN';