我有 3 个单元格,我想检查范围是“A:B”和“D”,我正在尝试此代码,但它对我不起作用。
If 3 - CountA(range) < 1 Then
If 3-Selection.Cells.Count < 1 then
If 3-Selection.Cells.Countlarge < 1 Then
Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
或 Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If InStr(Target.Address, ":") > 0 Or InStr(Target.Address, ",") > 0 Or InStr(Target.Address, ";") > 0 Then
`A1;C1` (Cells A1 and C1 are selected) or
`E1:E4` (E1 to E4 are selected)
,有时使用 ","
If InStr(MyRange.Address, ":") > 0 Or InStr(MyRange.Address, ",") > 0 Or InStr(MyRange.Address, ";") > 0 Then
Dim rng1 As Range
Set rng1 = Range("A1:B1,D1")
MsgBox 3 - rng1.Cells.Count
Dim SelectedRng As Range, SelectedRngStr As String
Set SelectedRng = Range(Target.Address) ' Or Range("A1:A2"), whatever
If SelectedRng.Cells.Count = 1 Then
SelectedRngStr = SelectedRng.Value
Debug.Print "SelectedRng.Cells.Count = " & SelectedRng.Cells.Count
End If
我使用@FreeSoftwareServers 和@KazimierzJawor 的答案的修改组合来完成军事字母宏。如果你喜欢我分享的内容,请给他们点个赞。我只是分享以防万一它可以帮助某人了解如何在子例程中使用它(我确实必须修改它)并为读者提供额外的军事字母子。
Sub Military_Alphabet_MSG()
''''' Check if more than one cell is selected
Dim SelectedRng As Range, Cell As Range, S$, s2$
Set SelectedRng = Range(Selection.Address) ' Or Range("A1:A2"), whatever
If SelectedRng.Cells.CountLarge > 1 Then
MsgBox "More than one cell is selected. Select one cell and try again.", vbCritical, "ERROR!"
Exit Sub
Set Cell = ActiveCell
S = UCase(Cell.Value)
End If
''''' Create dictionary with military alphabet (Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference required)
Dim milDict As Scripting.Dictionary
Set milDict = New Scripting.Dictionary
milDict("A") = "Alpha"
milDict("B") = "Bravo"
milDict("C") = "Charlie"
milDict("D") = "Delta"
milDict("E") = "Echo"
milDict("F") = "Foxtrot"
milDict("G") = "Golf"
milDict("H") = "Hotel"
milDict("I") = "India"
milDict("J") = "Juliet"
milDict("K") = "Kilo"
milDict("L") = "Lima"
milDict("M") = "Mike"
milDict("N") = "November"
milDict("O") = "Oscar"
milDict("P") = "Papa"
milDict("Q") = "Quebec"
milDict("R") = "Romeo"
milDict("S") = "Sierra"
milDict("T") = "Tango"
milDict("U") = "Uniform"
milDict("V") = "Victor"
milDict("W") = "Whiskey"
milDict("X") = "X-Ray"
milDict("Y") = "Yankee"
milDict("Z") = "Zulu"
milDict("1") = "One"
milDict("2") = "Two"
milDict("3") = "Three"
milDict("4") = "Four"
milDict("5") = "Five"
milDict("6") = "Six"
milDict("7") = "Seven"
milDict("8") = "Eight"
milDict("9") = "Niner"
milDict("0") = "Zero"
milDict("@") = "@AT@"
milDict("-") = "-DASH-"
milDict(".") = ".DOT."
''''' Unused section demonstrating how to loop through keys
' Dim key As Variant
' For Each key In milDict.Keys
' Debug.Print key, milDict(key)
' Next key
''''' Create First Part of ReturnString
Dim ReturnString$
ReturnString = "(" & Chr(34)
If milDict.Exists(Left(S, 1)) Then
ReturnString = ReturnString & milDict(Left(S, 1))
ReturnString = Left(S, 1)
End If
''''' Create the rest of ReturnString
If Len(S) > 1 Then
For i = 2 To Len(S)
s2 = Mid(S, i, 1)
If milDict.Exists(s2) Then
ReturnString = ReturnString & Chr(34) & ", " & Chr(34) & milDict(s2)
ReturnString = ReturnString & ", " & Chr(34) & s2
End If
Next i
End If
ReturnString = ReturnString & Chr(34) & ")"
''''' Add to clipboard
Dim objData As New MSForms.DataObject '"Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library" (or later) must be enabled per user before DataObject may be utilized
objData.SetText ReturnString
''''' Display Informational MsgBox
MsgBox Cell.Value & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & ReturnString & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "Conversion has been placed in your clipboard.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Military Alphabet Conversion"
End Sub