
问题描述 投票:2回答:1


swift macos


    use application "System Events"

    tell process "Dock" to tell list 1 to set dockItems to a reference to ¬
        (every UI element whose role is "AXDockItem")

    get the name of the dockItems

        --> {"Safari", missing value, "Finder", "App Store", "Launchpad", "Safari", "Google",
        --> "Spark", "Calendar", "Notes", "Photo Booth", "Photos", "Messages", "Telegram Desktop", 
        --> "WhatsApp", "iTunes", "Accessibility Inspector", "Script Editor", "System Preferences", 
        --> "Google Chrome", "Atom", "Automator", missing value, "CK", "WebCatalog Apps", 
        --> "Applications", "Trash"}

    get the position of the dockItems

        --> {{1435, 47}, {1435, 78}, {1435, 81}, {1435, 112}, {1435, 143}, {1435, 174}, 
        --> {1435, 206}, {1435, 237}, {1435, 268}, {1435, 299}, {1435, 330}, {1435, 362}, 
        --> {1435, 393}, {1435, 424}, {1435, 455}, {1435, 486}, {1435, 517}, {1435, 549}, 
        --> {1435, 580}, {1435, 611}, {1435, 642}, {1435, 673}, {1435, 704}, {1435, 736}, 
        --> {1435, 750}, {1435, 781}, {1435, 812}, {1435, 843}}

    get the name of the attributes of ¬
        some UI element in the dockItems

        --> {"AXRole", "AXRoleDescription", "AXSubrole", "AXTitle", "AXParent", "AXChildren", 
        -->  "AXPosition", "AXSize", "AXFrame", "AXTopLevelUIElement", "AXSelected", 
        -->  "AXShownMenuUIElement", "AXStatusLabel", "AXProgressValue"}

    get the properties of ¬
        some UI element in the dockItems

        --> {minimum value:missing value, orientation:missing value, position:{1435, 785}, class:UI element, 
        --> accessibility description:missing value, role description:"folder dock item", 
        -->  focused:missing value, title:"WebCatalog Apps", size:{39, 30}, help:missing value, 
        -->  entire contents:{}, enabled:missing value, maximum value:missing value, role:"AXDockItem",
        -->  value:missing value, subrole:"AXFolderDockItem", selected:false, name:"WebCatalog Apps", 
        -->  description:"folder dock item"}


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