将 GPS 字符串写入 Ubuntu 服务器上的 MySQL 数据库

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个应用程序,可以将一组 GPS 字符串写入文本文件,如下所示:

[{“日期”:“2017年2月13日19:26:00”,“时间”:1486974360428,“经度”:151.209900,“纬度”:-33.865143}{“日期”:“02/13/2017 19:26:13","时间":1486974373496,"经度":151.209900,"纬度":-33.865143}{"日期":"02/13/2017 19:26:23","时间":1486974383539, “经度”:151.209900,“纬度”:-33.865143}{“日期”:“02/13/2017 19:26:33”,“时间”:1486974393449,“经度”:151.209900,“纬度”:-33.865143} {“日期”:“2017年2月13日19:26:43”,“时间”:1486974403423,“经度”:151.209900,“纬度”:-33.865143}{“日期”:“02/13/2017 19: 26:53","时间":1486974413483,"经度":151.209900,"纬度":-33.865143}]



此文件被上传到 Ubuntu 服务器:

'filepath'/uploads/gps/'device ID'/'year-month-day'/'UTC download time'.txt




我想要一种方法将值写入 MySQL 数据库,标题为设备(从文件路径获取)、日期、时间、经度、纬度。

最初,最好只使用一个可以在服务器上运行的命令,最终我可以从管理面板上的 PHP 命令运行该命令。


php mysql gps ubuntu-server

您可以轻松地将文本提交到服务器上的 PHP 程序,而不是上传。它将使用 JSON 解码将其转换为数组,然后将每条记录保存到表中。设备 ID 将是脚本的参数之一。




这里有一些示例代码,用于处理文件并将它们存储到数据库中。我删除了您需要编辑的某些信息(用户 ID/密码数据库名称)。比我想象的要长一点,但仍然很短。如果您需要更多信息,请PM我。


/*  ===============================================================
    Locate and parse GPS files, then store to MySQL DB.
    Presumes a folder stucture of gps/device_id/date:YYYY-MM-DD.
    After a file is processed and stored in the DB table, the 
    file is renamed with a leading "_" so it will be ignored later.

$DS = '/';  //  Directory separator character. Use '/' for Linux, '\' for windows.
//  Path to folder containing device folders.
$base_folder = "./gps";
//  Today's date foratted like the folders under the devices. If parameter "date" has a value, use it instead of today's date. Parameter MUST be formatted correctly.
$today = isset($_REQUEST['date']) && $_REQUEST['date'] != '' ? $_REQUEST['date'] : date('Y-m-d');

//  Get a list of device folders
$device_folders = get_folders($base_folder);

//  Loop through all of the device folders
$num_file_processed = 0;
foreach($device_folders as $dev_folder) {
    //  Check to see if there is a folder in the device folder for today.
    $folder_path = $base_folder.$DS.$dev_folder.$DS.$today;
    //  Check if the device/date folder exists.
    if(file_exists($folder_path) && is_dir($folder_path)) {
        //  Folder exists, get a list of files that haven't been processed.
        $file_list = get_files($folder_path);
        //  Process the files (if any)
        foreach($file_list as $filename) {
            $f_path = $folder_path.$DS.$filename;
            $json = file_get_contents($f_path);
            //  Fix the JSON -- missing "," between records.
            $json = str_replace("}{","},{",$json);
            $data = json_decode($json);
            //  Process each row of data and save to DB.
            $num_saved = 0;
            $rec_num = 0;
            foreach($data as $recno => $rec_data) {
                if(save_GPS($dev_folder,$rec_data->date,$rec_data->time,$rec_data->longitude,$rec_data->latitude)) {
            //  Rename file so we can ignore it if processing is done again.
            if($num_saved > 0) {
                $newName = $folder_path.$DS."_".$filename;
    } else {
        echo "<p>" . $folder_path . " not found.</p>\n";
echo "Processing Complete. ".$num_file_processed." files processed. ".$num_saved." records saved to db.\n";

function save_GPS($dev_id,$rec_date,$rec_time,$long,$lat) {
    $server = "localhost";
    $uid = "your_db_user_id";
    $pid = "your_db_password";
    $db_name = "your_database_name";

    $qstr = "";
    $qstr .= "INSERT INTO `gps_log`\n";
    $qstr .= "(`device`,`date`,`time`,`longitude`,`latitude`)\n";
    $qstr .= "VALUES\n";
    $qstr .= "('".$dev_id."','".$rec_date."','".$rec_time."','".$long."','".$lat."');\n";

    $db = mysqli_connect($server,$uid,$pid,$db_name);
    if(mysqli_connect_errno()) {
        echo "Failed to connect to MySQL server: " . mysqli_connect_errno() . " " . mysqli_connect_error() . "\n";
        return false;
    //  Connected to DB, so save the record
    return true;

function get_folders($base_folder) {
    $rslts = array();
    $folders = array_map("htmlspecialchars", scandir($base_folder));
    foreach($folders as $folder) {
        //  Ignore files and folders that start with "." (ie. current folder and parent folder references)
        if(is_dir($base_folder."/".$folder) && substr($folder,0,1) != '.') {
            $rslts[] = $folder;
    return $rslts;

function get_files($base_folder) {
    $rslts = array();
    $files = array_map("htmlspecialchars", scandir($base_folder));
    foreach($files as $file) {
        //  Ignore files and folders that start with "." (ie. current folder and parent folder references),  or "_" (files already processed).
        if(!is_dir($file) && substr($file,0,1) != '.' && substr($file,0,1) != '_') {
            $rslts[] = $file;
    return $rslts;
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