我曾经使用 WKInterfaceController 的名为“crownSequencer”的属性来监听表冠的旋转(参见下面的代码)。我可以使用函数“crownDidRotate”获取表冠旋转的“rotationalValue”,如下所示。
import WatchKit
import Foundation
class InterfaceController: WKInterfaceController {
override func awake(withContext context: Any?) {
// Configure interface objects here.
override func willActivate() {
// This method is called when watch view controller is about to be visible to user
override func didAppear() {
crownSequencer.delegate = self
override func didDeactivate() {
// This method is called when watch view controller is no longer visible
extension InterfaceController : WKCrownDelegate {
func crownDidRotate(_ crownSequencer: WKCrownSequencer?, rotationalDelta: Double) {
在 SwiftUI 中,我可以使用以下代码来监听视图中的表冠:
import SwiftUI
import SpriteKit
struct GameView: View {
@State var scrollAmount: Float = 0.0
// ...other code to initialise variables used
var body: some View {
SpriteView(scene: skScene!)
.digitalCrownRotation($scrollAmount, from: -70, through: 70, by: 0.1, sensitivity: .high, isContinuous: false, isHapticFeedbackEnabled: false)
.onChange(of: scrollAmount) { newValue in
//function )
但是,我似乎无法从原始的 CrownSequencer 方法中获取“rotationalDelta”的等价物。有没有办法在 SwiftUI 中获取“rotationalDelta”(即获取旋转的变化而不是滚动量,后者反映了当前的旋转级别)。
from: -100.0,
through: 100.0,
sensitivity: .low,
isContinuous: true,
isHapticFeedbackEnabled: true
.onChange(of: scrollAmount) { oldValue, newValue in
let rotationalDelta = newValue - oldValue
// any code
您无法从 digitalCrownRotation() 获取增量,但可以使用 onChange() 来获取增量,更新后 onChange 可以使用 two 或 zero 参数。 官方文档