
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我已尽一切努力修改我的脚本,但仍然得到相同的结果,并且无法合并第 1 列中的所有数据。请参阅下面的脚本和屏幕截图。

// Merge cells in column 1 (PLATFORM)
var startRow = 2; // Start from the second row (after headers)

for (var i = 2; i <= selectedColumns.length + 1; i++) {
  // Check if we are at the last row or the current platform is different from the next one
  if (i === selectedColumns.length + 1 || selectedColumns[i - 1][0].trim().toLowerCase() !== selectedColumns[i - 2][0].trim().toLowerCase()) {
    var numRowsToMerge = i - startRow; // Number of rows to merge
    if (numRowsToMerge > 1) {
      newWs.getRange(startRow, 1, numRowsToMerge, 1).merge(); // Merge the cells
    startRow = i; // Move to the next group

This is the Result


function showInputBox() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var input = ui.prompt("Please enter your First Name and Last Name.", ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);

  if (input.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK) {
    var userInput = input.getResponseText().trim();
    if (!userInput) {
      ui.alert("Please enter your First Name and Last Name");

    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    var ws = ss.getSheetByName("Monitoring (Database)");
    var data = ws.getRange("A2:X" + ws.getLastRow()).getValues();
    var userSelectedRep = userInput.toLowerCase();

    var newData = data.filter(function (r) {
      return r[23].toLowerCase() == userSelectedRep;

    if (newData.length === 0) {
      ui.alert("No data found for the entered name. Please check your input.");

    var selectedMonth;
    var validMonthYear = false;

    while (!validMonthYear) {
      var monthInput = ui.prompt("Please enter the month and year (e.g., September 2024):", ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
      if (monthInput.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK) {
        var userInputMonthYear = monthInput.getResponseText().trim();
        var dateParts = userInputMonthYear.split(' ');

        // Validate input
        if (dateParts.length === 2) {
          selectedMonth = dateParts[0].toLowerCase();
          var year = dateParts[1];

          // Check if the month is valid
          var monthIndex = new Date(Date.parse(selectedMonth + " 1, " + year)).getMonth();
          if (monthIndex >= 0 && monthIndex < 12 && !isNaN(year)) {
            validMonthYear = true; // Input is valid
          } else {
            ui.alert("Please enter a valid month and year (e.g., September 2024).");
        } else {
          ui.alert("Please enter both month and year.");
      } else {
        ui.alert("Month input canceled.");

    var filteredMonthData = newData.filter(function (r) {
      var date = new Date(r[18]);
      return date.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'long', year: 'numeric' }).toLowerCase() === selectedMonth + ' ' + year;

    if (filteredMonthData.length > 0) {
      var newWs = ss.insertSheet(userSelectedRep);

      newWs.getRange(1, 1, 1, headers.length)
      newWs.setRowHeight(1, 57);

      var colWidths = [200, 100, 500, 106, 200, 114, 115, 130, 130];
      for (var c = 1; c <= headers.length; c++) {
        newWs.setColumnWidth(c, colWidths[c - 1]);

      // Prepare the data for the new sheet
      var selectedColumns = filteredMonthData.map(function (r) {
        return [r[10], r[22], r[1], r[17], r[18], r[19], r[20], r[21], r[9]];

      // Set values in the new sheet
      newWs.getRange(2, 1, selectedColumns.length, selectedColumns[0].length).setValues(selectedColumns);

      // Set the number format for START TIME and END TIME
      newWs.getRange(2, 6, selectedColumns.length, 1).setNumberFormat("hh:mm"); // START TIME
      newWs.getRange(2, 8, selectedColumns.length, 1).setNumberFormat("hh:mm"); // END TIME

      // Merge cells in column 1 (PLATFORM)
      var startRow = 2; // Start from the second row (after headers)

      for (var i = 2; i <= selectedColumns.length + 1; i++) {
        var currentPlatform = (i === selectedColumns.length + 1) ? "" : selectedColumns[i - 2][0].trim().toLowerCase(); // Adjusted index
        var previousPlatform = (i - 1 === 1) ? "" : selectedColumns[i - 3][0].trim().toLowerCase(); // Adjusted index
        if (currentPlatform !== previousPlatform) {
          var numRowsToMerge = i - startRow; // Number of rows to merge
          if (numRowsToMerge > 1) {
            newWs.getRange(startRow, 1, numRowsToMerge, 1).merge(); // Merge the cells
          startRow = i; // Move to the next group

      // Align all data in the new sheet
      newWs.getRange(2, 1, selectedColumns.length, headers.length)

      // Set headers at the top
      newWs.getRange(1, 1, 1, headers.length).setValues([headers]);

      // Define chart range
      var chartRange = newWs.getRange(2, 1, selectedColumns.length, 2);

      // Create the chart
      var chart = newWs.newChart()
        .setChartType(Charts.ChartType.COLUMN) // Set the chart type
        .addRange(chartRange) // Add the data range
        .setPosition(2, 11, 0, 0) // Position of the chart (row, column, offsetX, offsetY)
        .setOption('title', 'Institution Access Data for ' + selectedMonth + ' ' + year)
        .setOption('titleTextStyle', {
          color: '#333333',
          fontSize: 18,
          bold: true
        .setOption('vAxis.title', 'Total Time')
        .setOption('vAxis.titleTextStyle', {
          italic: true,
          color: '#666666',
          fontSize: 14
        .setOption('hAxis.title', 'Platform')
        .setOption('hAxis.titleTextStyle', {
          italic: true,
          color: '#666666',
          fontSize: 14
        .setOption('legend', { position: 'top', alignment: 'center' })
        .setOption('backgroundColor', '#f9f9f9')
        .setOption('colors', ['#4CAF50', '#2196F3']) // Customize colors
        .setOption('is3D', true) // Optional: make the chart 3D
        .setOption('width', 800) // Set a wider chart
        .setOption('height', 400) // Set a taller chart
        .setOption('hAxis.slantedText', true) // Rotate x-axis labels
        .setOption('hAxis.slantedTextAngle', 45) // Angle of rotation
        .setOption('dataLabel', true) // Show data labels


    } else {
      ui.alert("No matching data found for the entered month.");
  } else {
    ui.alert("Operation Canceled.");
google-sheets google-apps-script




  var startRow = 2;
  var lastRow = newWs.getLastRow();
  for (var i = startRow; i <= lastRow; i++) {
  var currentPlatform = (i < 1) ? "" : selectedColumns[i - 2][0].trim().toLowerCase();
  var previousPlatform = (i - 1 === 1) ? "" : selectedColumns[i - 3][0].trim().toLowerCase(); // Adjusted index

    if (currentPlatform !== previousPlatform) {
      var numRowsToMerge = i - startRow;
      if (numRowsToMerge > 1) {
        newWs.getRange(startRow, 1, numRowsToMerge, 1).merge();
      startRow = i; 
    if (startRow < lastRow) {
      newWs.getRange(startRow, 1, lastRow - startRow + 1, 1).merge();


function showInputBox() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var input = ui.prompt("Please enter your First Name and Last Name.", ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);

  if (input.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK) {
    var userInput = input.getResponseText().trim();
    if (!userInput) {
      ui.alert("Please enter your First Name and Last Name");

    var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
    var ws = ss.getSheetByName("Monitoring (Database)");
    var data = ws.getRange("A2:X" + ws.getLastRow()).getValues();
    var userSelectedRep = userInput.toLowerCase();

    var newData = data.filter(function (r) {
      return r[23].toLowerCase() == userSelectedRep;

    if (newData.length === 0) {
      ui.alert("No data found for the entered name. Please check your input.");

    var selectedMonth;
    var validMonthYear = false;

    while (!validMonthYear) {
      var monthInput = ui.prompt("Please enter the month and year (e.g., September 2024):", ui.ButtonSet.OK_CANCEL);
      if (monthInput.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK) {
        var userInputMonthYear = monthInput.getResponseText().trim();
        var dateParts = userInputMonthYear.split(' ');

        // Validate input
        if (dateParts.length === 2) {
          selectedMonth = dateParts[0].toLowerCase();
          var year = dateParts[1];

          // Check if the month is valid
          var monthIndex = new Date(Date.parse(selectedMonth + " 1, " + year)).getMonth();
          if (monthIndex >= 0 && monthIndex < 12 && !isNaN(year)) {
            validMonthYear = true; // Input is valid
          } else {
            ui.alert("Please enter a valid month and year (e.g., September 2024).");
        } else {
          ui.alert("Please enter both month and year.");
      } else {
        ui.alert("Month input canceled.");

    var filteredMonthData = newData.filter(function (r) {
      var date = new Date(r[18]);
      return date.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'long', year: 'numeric' }).toLowerCase() === selectedMonth + ' ' + year;

    if (filteredMonthData.length > 0) {
      var newWs = ss.insertSheet(userSelectedRep);

      newWs.getRange(1, 1, 1, headers.length)
      newWs.setRowHeight(1, 57);

      var colWidths = [200, 100, 500, 106, 200, 114, 115, 130, 130];
      for (var c = 1; c <= headers.length; c++) {
        newWs.setColumnWidth(c, colWidths[c - 1]);

      // Prepare the data for the new sheet
      var selectedColumns = filteredMonthData.map(function (r) {
        return [r[10], r[22], r[1], r[17], r[18], r[19], r[20], r[21], r[9]];

      // Set values in the new sheet
      newWs.getRange(2, 1, selectedColumns.length, selectedColumns[0].length).setValues(selectedColumns);

      // Set the number format for START TIME and END TIME
      newWs.getRange(2, 6, selectedColumns.length, 1).setNumberFormat("hh:mm"); // START TIME
      newWs.getRange(2, 8, selectedColumns.length, 1).setNumberFormat("hh:mm"); // END TIME

      var startRow = 2;
      var lastRow = newWs.getLastRow();
      for (var i = startRow; i <= lastRow; i++) {
      var currentPlatform = (i < 2) ? "" : selectedColumns[i - 2][0].trim().toLowerCase();
      var previousPlatform = (i - 1 === 1) ? "" : selectedColumns[i - 3][0].trim().toLowerCase(); // Adjusted index

        if (currentPlatform !== previousPlatform) {
          var numRowsToMerge = i - startRow;
          if (numRowsToMerge > 1) {
            newWs.getRange(startRow, 1, numRowsToMerge, 1).merge();
          startRow = i; 
        if (startRow < lastRow) {
          newWs.getRange(startRow, 1, lastRow - startRow + 1, 1).merge();

      // Align all data in the new sheet
      newWs.getRange(2, 1, selectedColumns.length, headers.length)

      // Set headers at the top
      newWs.getRange(1, 1, 1, headers.length).setValues([headers]);

      // Define chart range
      var chartRange = newWs.getRange(2, 1, selectedColumns.length, 2);

      // Create the chart
      var chart = newWs.newChart()
        .setChartType(Charts.ChartType.COLUMN) // Set the chart type
        .addRange(chartRange) // Add the data range
        .setPosition(2, 11, 0, 0) // Position of the chart (row, column, offsetX, offsetY)
        .setOption('title', 'Institution Access Data for ' + selectedMonth + ' ' + year)
        .setOption('titleTextStyle', {
          color: '#333333',
          fontSize: 18,
          bold: true
        .setOption('vAxis.title', 'Total Time')
        .setOption('vAxis.titleTextStyle', {
          italic: true,
          color: '#666666',
          fontSize: 14
        .setOption('hAxis.title', 'Platform')
        .setOption('hAxis.titleTextStyle', {
          italic: true,
          color: '#666666',
          fontSize: 14
        .setOption('legend', { position: 'top', alignment: 'center' })
        .setOption('backgroundColor', '#f9f9f9')
        .setOption('colors', ['#4CAF50', '#2196F3']) // Customize colors
        .setOption('is3D', true) // Optional: make the chart 3D
        .setOption('width', 800) // Set a wider chart
        .setOption('height', 400) // Set a taller chart
        .setOption('hAxis.slantedText', true) // Rotate x-axis labels
        .setOption('hAxis.slantedTextAngle', 45) // Angle of rotation
        .setOption('dataLabel', true) // Show data labels


    } else {
      ui.alert("No matching data found for the entered month.");
  } else {
    ui.alert("Operation Canceled.");


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