
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我对 Overleaf\LateX 和一般编码非常陌生 - 我在表格方面遇到了很大的困难。


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\caption{\label{messagesexp} Models and related treatment messages in the survey}
\begin{tabular}{ | m{4cm} | m{9cm}| }
\textbf{Models} & \textbf{Displayed messages}\\\hline\hline

\textbf{Model 1} &  \\\hline
Social norms & \textit{“Did you know? 46\% of young people declared they had reported illegal and hamful* posts on social media.”}\\ \hline

\textbf{Model 2} &  \\\hline
{{Anonymity and Privacy}}& \textit{“Did you know? 46\% of young people declared they had reported illegal and hamful* posts on social media.”}\\ \hline

\textbf{Model 3} &  \\\hline
{{Responsibility and change}} & \textit{“Reporting makes a difference. Your report allows to improve detection algorithms to better detect illegal and hamful* content.”}\\ \hline

\textbf{Control group} &  \\\hline
 & \textit{“Did you know? Sixdegrees.com was considered the “first” social media platfom* in history and was founded in 1997.”}\\ \hline

\multicolumn{2}{| l{1em} |}{*Note: The typos included in the displayed messages are deliberate and relate to attention checks.}

latex overleaf



\caption{\label{messagesexp} Models and related treatment messages in the survey}
\begin{tabular}{ | m{4cm} | m{9cm}| }
\textbf{Models} & \textbf{Displayed messages}\\\hline\hline

\textbf{Model 1} &  \\\hline
Social norms & \textit{"Did you know? 46\% of young people declared they had reported illegal and hamful* posts on social media."}\\ \hline

\textbf{Model 2} &  \\\hline
{{Anonymity and Privacy}}& \textit{"Did you know? 46\% of young people declared they had reported illegal and hamful* posts on social media."}\\ \hline

\textbf{Model 3} &  \\\hline
{{Responsibility and change}} & \textit{"Reporting makes a difference. Your report allows to improve detection algorithms to better detect illegal and hamful* content."}\\ \hline

\textbf{Control group} &  \\\hline
 & \textit{"Did you know? Sixdegrees.com was considered the "first" social media platfom* in history and was founded in 1997."}\\ \hline

\multicolumn{2}{|m{\dimexpr\linewidth-2\tabcolsep-2\arrayrulewidth}|}{*Note: The typos included in the displayed messages are deliberate and relate to attention checks.} \\



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