我有一个 OpenOffice Calc 宏(基本版),它将活动工作表中的所有数字四舍五入到给定的小数位数。处理 9000 行电子表格中的 100 行大约需要 4 秒。每行有 35 列,其中 19 列是数字。
如何才能使其执行得更快?这是我为 OpenOffice 编写的第一个宏,因此可能有我从未听说过的更快的方法。这是我的代码:
Dim oFunction as Object
' Round all Value cells (cells that do not contain Text or Functions) on the current sheet to as many decimal places as user requests.
Sub RoundUsedCells
Dim oSheet As Object, oUsedRange as Object, oCursor as Object, oCell As Object
Dim row, column,lastRow, lastColumn
Dim places$, placesToRound
Dim roundedValue as Double
' Ask user how many decimal places to round
places$ = InputBox ("Round to how many places (leave blank to cancel)?")
if (places$ is Nothing or places$ = "") then
' Do nothing.
placesToRound = CInt(places$)
' Get the currently active sheet.
oSheet = thiscomponent.getcurrentcontroller.activesheet
' Create a one cell range at the origin,
' then create a cursor that allows us to extend the range to include all the "used" cells.
' The cursor will then allow us to find out how large is that used range.
oUsedRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(0,0,0,0)
oCursor = oSheet.createCursorByRange(oUsedRange)
' Obtain the last rows and colums in the "used" range from the cursor.
lastRow = oCursor.RangeAddress.EndRow
lastColumn = oCursor.RangeAddress.EndColumn
' Loop through all cells from the origin (0,0) to the last used column and row.
for row = 0 to lastRow
if (row mod 50 = 0) then
StatusBar "Rounding row " + (row + 1) + " of " + (lastRow + 1) + "..."
for column = 0 to lastColumn
oCell = oSheet.getCellByPosition(column, row)
Select Case oCell.Type
Case com.sun.star.table.CellContentType.VALUE
' Only round value cells. Skip over empty cells, formuls and text.
roundedValue = Round(oCell.Value, placesToRound)
if (roundedValue <> oCell.Value) then
oCell.Value = roundedValue
Case com.sun.star.table.CellContentType.EMPTY
Case com.sun.star.table.CellContentType.TEXT
Case com.sun.star.table.CellContentType.FORMULA
End Select
next column
next row
StatusBar "Rounding complete."
End Sub
' Obtain access to worksheet functions, such as the "round" function.
Sub InitRound
if (oFunction is Nothing) then
oFunction = createUnoService("com.sun.star.sheet.FunctionAccess")
End Sub
' Round the value to the given number of places after the decimal.
Function Round(value, decimalPlaces)
Dim args( 1 to 2 ) As Variant
args(1) = value
args(2) = decimalPlaces
Round = oFunction.callFunction( "round", args() )
End Function
global vStatusBarText as string '=text that is been displayed on the statusbar
sub StatusBar(optional vNewText, optional vAddText) 'set or add text to the statusbar, nothing = clear&reset it.
if isError(vNewText) then
if isError(vAddText) then 'clear statusbar
else 'add text to the previous statusbar
vStatusBarText=vStatusBarText & vAddText
if isError(vAddText) then 'use new text
else 'use new text and add the other text as well
vStatusBarText=vNewText & vAddText
vStatusBarText=right(vStatusBarText,int(ThisComponent.CurrentController.VisibleArea.Width/150)) 'Select last part that could be displayed.
if isNull(ThisComponent.CurrentController) then exit sub 'Because the last XEventListener-event can't be written to the statusbar, because it's no longer there!
if vStatusBarText="" then 'reset statusbar
else 'change the text in the statusbar
end sub
更新:我重写了 Round,不再调用 Calc,这使速度提高了一倍。还是太慢了。必须比每秒五十行好得多。
Function Round2(value, decimalPlaces) as Double
Round2 = Int(value * 10 ^ decimalPlaces + 0.5) / 10 ^ decimalPlaces
'Dim multiplier as Double, bigValue as Double
'multiplier = 10 ^ decimalPlaces
'bigValue = (value * multiplier) + 0.5
'Round2 = CDbl( CLng(bigValue) ) / multiplier
End Function
找到了一种在宏执行期间禁用自动更新和屏幕刷新的方法,这使速度再次提高了三倍(现在是每秒 200 行):
myDoc = ThisComponent
' --- modify your cells here ---
下一个最佳解决方案是分块获取数据并分块更新数据。您用来获取数据的方法将取决于数据的均匀性。例如,getDataArray() 和 setDataArray() 可能(至少)比一次查看一个单元格快 100 倍。这里有两种不同的可能方法:
getData() 将获取数值数据作为嵌套的值序列(数组中的数组)。
getDataArray() 与 getData() 相同,但可以包含 String 或 Double。