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public async Task<IEnumerable<CorpTransaction_DTO>> GetTransactionDetailByCorpNumber(string corpNumber)
    var query = from rm in _gpModel.RM20101
                join cm in _gpModel.RM00101.AsNoTracking() on rm.CUSTNMBR equals cm.CUSTNMBR
                join rm1 in _gpModel.RM20201 on rm.DOCNUMBR equals rm1.APTODCNM into rm1Join
                from rm1 in rm1Join.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join so in _gpModel.SOP30200.AsNoTracking() on rm.DOCNUMBR equals so.SOPNUMBE into soJoin
                from sop in soJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                join sy in _gpModel.SY03900.AsNoTracking() on sop.NOTEINDX equals sy.NOTEINDX into syJoin
                from sy in syJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                new string(rm.SLPRSNID.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray()) == corpNumber ||
                    rm.SLPRSNID.EndsWith(corpNumber) &&
                    !ApplicationConstants.ExcludedPrefixes.Any(prefix => rm.SLPRSNID.StartsWith(prefix))
                orderby rm.DOCDATE descending
                select new CorpTransaction_DTO
                    DOCDATE = rm.DOCDATE,
                    RMDTYPAL = rm.RMDTYPAL,
                    AgentId = cm.CUSTNMBR.Trim(),
                    AgentName = cm.CUSTNAME.Trim(),
                    Batch = rm.BACHNUMB.Trim(),
                    InvoiceNumber = rm.DOCNUMBR.Trim(),
                    DUEDATE = rm.DUEDATE,
                    InvoiceType = rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_CASH_RECEIPT ? ApplicationConstants.INVOICETYPE_PAYMENT :
                                  rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_SALES_INVOICE ? ApplicationConstants.INVOICETYPE_INVOICE :
                                  rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_DEBIT_MEMO || rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_CREDIT_MEMO
                                  || rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_Return ? ApplicationConstants.INVOICETYPE_ADJ : string.Empty,
                    InvoiceStatus = rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_SALES_INVOICE ? (rm.CURTRXAM == 0 ?
                    ApplicationConstants.INVOICESTATUS_PAID : rm.CURTRXAM < rm.ORTRXAMT ? ApplicationConstants.INVOICESTATUS_PARTIALLY_PAID : ApplicationConstants.INVOICESTATUS_UNPAID)
                    : null,
                    Amount = rm.ORTRXAMT,
                    Balance = rm.CURTRXAM,
                    SubType = rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_CASH_RECEIPT || rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_DEBIT_MEMO ? string.Empty :
                    rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_CREDIT_MEMO ? ApplicationConstants.INV_SUB_TYPE_DISCOUNT : rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_Return ? ApplicationConstants.INV_SUB_TYPE_RETRUN : string.Empty,
                    InvoiceDescription = rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_SALES_INVOICE && sy != null ? sy.TXTFIELD ?? string.Empty : string.Empty,
                    RequestedBy = rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_SALES_INVOICE && sy != null ? sy.TXTFIELD ?? string.Empty : string.Empty,
                    SourceSystem = rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_SALES_INVOICE && sy != null ? sy.TXTFIELD ?? string.Empty : string.Empty,
                    FormattedInvoiceNumber = rm.RMDTYPAL == ApplicationConstants.RMDTYPAL_SALES_INVOICE ? rm.SLPRSNID.Trim() + " - " + rm.DOCNUMBR.Trim() : string.Empty

    // Execute the query and get the list of DTOs
    var corpDto = await query.ToListAsync();

    // Apply transformations to the list of DTOs
    corpDto.ForEach(account => account.SubType = account.RMDTYPAL == 1 ? GPHelper.SplitStringToColumns(account.InvoiceDescription).InvoiceDescription : account.SubType);
    corpDto.ForEach(account => account.InvoiceDescription = GPHelper.SplitStringToColumns(account.InvoiceDescription).InvoiceDescription);
    corpDto.ForEach(account => account.RequestedBy = GPHelper.SplitStringToColumns(account.RequestedBy).RequestedBy);
    corpDto.ForEach(account => account.SourceSystem = GPHelper.SplitStringToColumns(account.SourceSystem).SourceSystem);

    // Group by DOCNUMBR and select the first entry from each group
    corpDto = corpDto.GroupBy(account => account.DOCNUMBR).Select(group => group.First()).ToList();

    return corpDto;


where new string(rm.SLPRSNID.Where(char.IsDigit).ToArray()) == corpNumber ||
rm.SLPRSNID.EndsWith(corpNumber) &&
!ApplicationConstants.ExcludedPrefixes.Any(prefix => rm.SLPRSNID.StartsWith(prefix))


public class CorpTransaction_DTO
    public DateTime DOCDATE { get; set; }
    public string Batch { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceNumber { get; set; }
    public string DOCNUMBR { get; set; }
    public DateTime DUEDATE { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceType { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceStatus { get; set; }
    public decimal Amount { get; set; }
    public decimal Balance { get; set; }
    public string CustomerPayment { get; set; }
    public string SubType { get; set; }
    public string PaymentDescription { get; set; }
    public string AgentId { get; set; }
    public string AgentName { get; set; }
    public string InvoiceDescription { get; set; }
    public string FormattedInvoiceNumber { get; set; }
    public string RequestedBy { get; set; }
    public string SourceSystem { get; set; }
    public int RMDTYPAL { get; set; }
c# entity-framework linq

您无法调用字符串构造函数从 linq 查询中的数组创建字符串,因为它没有 sql 翻译。为了实现相同的逻辑,您可以考虑将列的数字部分存储在单独的列中,以便将该列直接与 corpnumber 变量进行比较。这也将为您带来更好的性能。

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