"Population 1":[
"waterfallData.PopulationName":"Population 1",
"waterfallData.State":"State 2"
"waterfallData.PopulationName":"Population 1",
"waterfallData.State":"State 1"
"Population 2":[
"waterfallData.PopulationName":"Population 2",
"waterfallData.State":"State 2"
"waterfallData.PopulationName":"Population 2",
"waterfallData.State":"State 1"
"Population 3":[
"waterfallData.PopulationName":"Population 3",
"waterfallData.State":"State 2"
"waterfallData.PopulationName":"Population 3",
"waterfallData.State":"State 1"
var settings = {
type: "serial",
theme: "light",
dataProvider: transformedData,
legend: {
data: [{ title: "Increasing", color: "#54cb6a" }, { title: "Decreasing", color: "#cc4b48" }]
valueAxes: valueAxe,
startDuration: 1,
graphs: [
balloonText: "<span style='color:[[color]]'>[[category]]</span><br><b>$[[balloonValue]]</b>",
colorField: "color",
fillAlphas: 0.8,
labelText: "$[[balloonValue]]",
lineColor: "#BBBBBB",
openField: "open",
type: "column",
valueField: "close",
adaptiveLabelPosition: true
trendLines: xPath ? trendLines : [{
"dashLength": 3,
"finalCategory": "Income B",
"finalValue": 11.13,
"initialCategory": "Income A",
"initialValue": 11.13,
"lineColor": "#888888"
}, {
"dashLength": 3,
"finalCategory": "Expenses A",
"finalValue": 15.81,
"initialCategory": "Income B",
"initialValue": 15.81,
"lineColor": "#888888"
}, {
"dashLength": 3,
"finalCategory": "Expenses B",
"finalValue": 12.92,
"initialCategory": "Expenses A",
"initialValue": 12.92,
"lineColor": "#888888"
}, {
"dashLength": 3,
"finalCategory": "Revenue",
"finalValue": 8.64,
"initialCategory": "Expenses B",
"initialValue": 8.64,
"lineColor": "#888888"
columnWidth: 0.6,
categoryField: xPath,
categoryAxis: {
gridPosition: "start",
axisAlpha: 0,
gridAlpha: 0.1,
title: categoryLabel,
labelRotation: 45
export: {
enabled: true
打开值为0的数据项将从底部开始。您可以将它们用作每个组(人口)的基础,并相应地计算后续数据项。这是amcharts 4的示例:https://codepen.io/asif-rahman-the-reactor/pen/yLLwZzp
var chart = am4core.create("chartdiv", am4charts.XYChart);
// using math in the data instead of final values just to illustrate the idea of Waterfall chart
// a separate data field for step series is added because we don't need last step (notice, the last data item doesn't have stepValue)
chart.data = [{
category: "Net revenue",
value: 8786,
open: 0,
stepValue: 8786,
color: am4core.color("#c3dc67")
}, {
category: "Cost of sales",
value: 8786 - 2786,
open: 8786,
stepValue: 8786 - 2786,
color: am4core.color("#dc6788")
}, {
category: "Operating expenses",
value: 8786 - 2786 - 1786,
open: 8786 - 2786,
stepValue: 8786 - 2786 - 1786,
color: am4core.color("#dc6967")
}, {
category: "Income from equity",
value: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465,
open: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 ,
stepValue: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465,
color: am4core.color("#67dc75")
}, {
category: "Operating income",
value: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465,
open: 0,
stepValue: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465,
color: am4core.color("#67dc98")
, {
category: "Expense 1",
value: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465-1200,
open: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465,
stepValue: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465-1200,
color: am4core.color("red")
}, {
category: "Gain 2",
value: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465-1200+2500,
open: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465-1200,
stepValue: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465-1200+2500,
color: am4core.color("green")
}, {
category: "Net Profit",
value: 8786 - 2786 - 1786 + 1465-1200+2500,
open: 0,
color: am4core.color("orange")
var categoryAxis = chart.xAxes.push(new am4charts.CategoryAxis());
categoryAxis.dataFields.category = "category";
categoryAxis.renderer.minGridDistance = 50;
var valueAxis = chart.yAxes.push(new am4charts.ValueAxis());
var columnSeries = chart.series.push(new am4charts.ColumnSeries());
columnSeries.dataFields.categoryX = "category";
columnSeries.dataFields.valueY = "value";
columnSeries.dataFields.openValueY = "open";
var columnTemplate = columnSeries.columns.template;
columnTemplate.strokeOpacity = 0;
columnTemplate.propertyFields.fill = "color";
var label = columnTemplate.createChild(am4core.Label);
label.align = "center";
label.valign = "middle";
label.adapter.add("text", function(text, target) {
if (!target.dataItem) {
return text;
var value = Math.abs(target.dataItem.dataContext.value - target.dataItem.dataContext.open);
return target.numberFormatter.format(value, "$#,## a");
var stepSeries = chart.series.push(new am4charts.StepLineSeries());
stepSeries.dataFields.categoryX = "category";
stepSeries.dataFields.valueY = "stepValue";
stepSeries.noRisers = true;
stepSeries.stroke = am4core.color("#000");
stepSeries.strokeDasharray = "3,3";
// because column width is 80%, we modify start/end locations so that step would start with column and end with next column
stepSeries.startLocation = 0.1;
stepSeries.endLocation = 1.1;