文档没有明确说明此更改(从当前的 7 天到 31 天)是否追溯执行。更具体地说,这部分:
Configuring a subscription to retain acknowledged messages (using the retain_acked_messages property) lets you replay previously-acked messages retained by the subscription. You can configure messages to be retained for a maximum of 31 days in a subscription. This configuration applies to both acknowledged and unacknowledged messages.
This configuration applies to both acknowledged and unacknowledged messages
7 days
,保留的最小时间段为 10 minutes
,最大值为 31 days
。在这里,我们可以清楚和确认关于 Acked
消息或 Unacked
消息在 Pub/Sub 中消息保留的不同持续时间。