其中一个服务是返回一个字段,其值如下所示,我想在SOAP UI中使用Groovy从下面的字符串中提取数字'2734427'
我使用了下面的代码行 - 这可行,但它看起来有点hacky。想知道是否有人可以提出更好的选择。
//Get the value of the Job Id Link
def gtm2joblink = "[[https%3a%2f%2fthis.is.a.sample.link%2fproduct-data-v1%2f/jobs/2734427]]"
// split jobid full link for extracting the actual id
def sub1 = { it.split("jobs/")[1] }
def jobidwithbrackets = sub1(gtm2joblink)
// split jobid full link for extracting the actual id
def sub2 = { it.split("]]")[0] }
def jobid = sub2(jobidwithbracket)
log.info gtm2joblink
import java.util.regex.Matcher
//Get the value of the Job Id Link
def gtm2joblink = "[[https%3a%2f%2fthis.is.a.sample.link%2fproduct-data-v1%2f/jobs/2734427]]"
Matcher regexMatcher = gtm2joblink =~ /(?ix).*\\/jobs\\/([0-9]*)]]/
if (regexMatcher.find()) {
String jobId = regexMatcher.group(1);
} else {
log.info('No job ID found')