我正在对两个 .Net 微服务进行 Zap 测试,并使用 Git Actions 自动化该过程,工作流程运行良好,没有任何错误,但是一旦我更新了代码库并在代码中添加了功能标志,它就会出现问题。 返回上述错误。下面是.py文件
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import datetime
import os
import requests
from pprint import pprint
from pprint import pprint
from zapv2 import ZAPv2
from zapv2 import ZAPv2 as ZAP
from selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Options as FirefoxOptions
# The URL of the application to be tested
target = 'http://localhost:5074/hello'
# Change to match the API key set in ZAP, or use None if the API key is
apiKey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
firefox_options = FirefoxOptions()
firefox_options.headless = True
# By default ZAP API client will connect to port 8080
# zap = ZAPv2(apikey=apiKey)
# Use the line below if ZAP is not listening on port 8080, for example,
if listening on port 8090
zap = ZAPv2(apikey=apiKey, proxies={'http': '',
'https': ''})
print('Spidering target {}'.format(target))
# The scan returns a scan id to support concurrent scanning
scanID = zap.spider.scan(target)
while int(zap.spider.status(scanID)) < 100:
# Poll the status until it completes
print('Spider progress %: {}'.format(zap.spider.status(scanID)))
print('Spider has completed!')
# Prints the URLs the spider has crawled
print('\n'.join(map(str, zap.spider.results(scanID))))
# If required post process the spider results
# TODO: Explore the Application more with Ajax Spider or Start scanning
the application for vulnerabilities
print('Ajax Spider target {}'.format(target))
scanID = zap.ajaxSpider.scan(target)
timeout = time.time() + 60*2 # 2 minutes from now
# Loop until the ajax spider has finished or the timeout has exceeded
while zap.ajaxSpider.status == 'running':
if time.time() > timeout:
print('Ajax Spider status' + zap.ajaxSpider.status)
print('Ajax Spider completed')
ajaxResults = zap.ajaxSpider.results(start=0, count=10)
# If required perform additional operations with the Ajax Spider results
# TODO: Start scanning the application to find vulnerabilities
print('Active Scanning target {}'.format(target))
scanID = zap.ascan.scan(target)
while int(zap.ascan.status(scanID)) < 100:
# Loop until the scanner has finished
print('Scan progress %: {}'.format(zap.ascan.status(scanID)))
print('Active Scan completed')
# Print vulnerabilities found by the scanning
print('Hosts: {}'.format(', '.join(zap.core.hosts)))
print('Alerts: ')
alerts = zap.core.alerts(baseurl=target)
print('Alerts: ')
with open("zap-alerts.txt", "w") as f:
for alert in alerts:
f.write(str(alert) + "\n")
# Shut down ZAP
Ajax Spider completed
Active Scanning target http://localhost:5074/hello
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/cl/Desktop/Feature-toggling /sample-services/Sample-services/zap-testing.py", line 60, in <module>
while int(zap.ascan.status(scanID)) < 100:
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'does_not_exist'
我搜索了将以下内容转换为 int 的替代方法,但失败了,任何人都可以指导我解决此错误。
问题出在 docker compose 文件上,因为在调整标志后,服务使用端口 8080 而不是 80。我更新了它,现在一切都很好。