我有一些大的geotiff文件,大小范围从200MB到10GB。 它们是由无人机按照特定路线生成的,以一定的宽度捕获图像。 这是一个带有马赛克的示例: 示例tiff 文件大小约为200MB。
现在我想获取这个tif文件中的多边形信息,就像图中红线标记的区域一样。 所以我尝试使用 PolygonExtractionProcess 来完成这项工作,但它需要永远,而且我的 cpu 几乎运行到 100%,我不得不放弃。
然后我发现一些“中间”tif 文件,只有白色和黑色,它们的大小非常小(从 50KB 到 10MB),如下所示: 黑白色tiff
在我使用这个小tif作为输入后,多边形化过程持续大约1-2分钟,我得到这样的结果(不完全是我想要的,但非常接近,我只想要黑色部分): 多边形化结果
AbstractGridCoverage2DReader gridCoverage2DReader = gridFormat.getReader(iis, hints);
GridCoverage2D coverage = gridCoverage2DReader.read(null);
PolygonExtractionProcess process = new PolygonExtractionProcess();
SimpleFeatureCollection features = process.execute(coverage, 0, Boolean.TRUE, null, null, null, null);
SimpleFeatureIterator sfi = features.features();
经过一番搜索,我意识到在多边形化之前,我需要对tiff文件进行灰度或黑白二值化以减小文件大小。但是使用JAVA/GeoTools似乎很难做到这一点,很多解决方案都使用GDAL或GIS软件像 QGIS/ARCGIS。
在这个方法中,我使用了JDK 8的并行流处理。虽然按边界划分可以节省内存,但速度仍然很慢。如果有更好的解决方案,我们可以讨论交流。
* Converts the grid coverage to a SimpleFeatureCollection.
* This method divides the given grid coverage into multiple small grids, extracts the geometry for each small grid,
* and then merges these geometries into a SimpleFeatureCollection.
* @param gridCoverage2D The grid coverage that provides the geographic range and data to be processed.
* @param nodata The value used to fill no-data regions.
* @param handle A functional interface used for further processing of the merged geometries.
* @param row The number of rows to divide.
* @param cols The number of columns to divide.
* @return Returns a SimpleFeatureCollection containing the processed geometries.
public static SimpleFeatureCollection subGrid2SFC(GridCoverage2D gridCoverage2D, double nodata, boolean insideEdges,
int row, int cols, Function<Geometry, Geometry> handle) {
// Divide the grid coverage into smaller regions
List<Envelope2D> envelope2DS = GeoToolsUtils.divideEnvelope(gridCoverage2D.getEnvelope2D(), row, cols);
PolygonExtractionProcess process = new PolygonExtractionProcess();
List<Geometry> rets = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
AtomicInteger atomicInteger = new AtomicInteger();
// Parallel processing of each small grid
.forEach(d -> {
// Log the processing progress
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
int i = atomicInteger.incrementAndGet();
LOG.debug("Current progress of raster to vector conversion: {} out of {}", i, envelope2DS.size());
// Convert the boundaries of the small grid into polygons
Polygon polygon = GeoToolsUtils.createPolygon(d);
// Extract data from the grid coverage using the polygon and create a SimpleFeatureCollection
SimpleFeatureCollection ret = process.execute(gridCoverage2D, 0, insideEdges, polygon,
Collections.singleton(nodata), null, null);
if (ret.isEmpty()) {
// Convert the SimpleFeatureCollection into a list of geometries
List<Geometry> geometries = GeoToolsUtils.fcToGeometryList(ret);
// Merge the list of geometries into a single geometry
Geometry union = GeoToolsUtils.union(geometries);
if (Objects.isNull(union) || union.isEmpty()) {
// Apply additional geometry processing logic
Geometry apply = handle.apply(union);
CoordinateReferenceSystem crs = gridCoverage2D.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
return GeoToolsUtils.geometries2FeatureCollection(rets, "subGrid2SFC", crs);
使用 GDAL 速度更快,内存效率更高。
# Check the number of parameters
if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <input_tiff> <band> <output_shapefile>"
exit 1
# Parameter 1: Path to the input TIFF file
# Parameter 2: Path to the output shapefile
# Execute the gdal_polygonize.py command
gdal_polygonize.py "$INPUT_TIFF" -b "$BAND" -f 'ESRI Shapefile' "$OUTPUT_SHP" 1 fid
* 栅格转矢量
* @param gridPath 网格路径
* @param targetShapePath 目标形状路径
* @param band 波段
public static void grid2Vector(Path gridPath, Path targetShapePath, int band) {
String gdalCMD = your_shell_path + "/gdal_polygonize.sh %s %s %s";
String cmd = String.format(gdalCMD, gridPath.toAbsolutePath(), band, targetShapePath.toAbsolutePath());
LOG.debug("gdal_polygonize cmd:{}", cmd);
String rests = RuntimeUtil.execForStr("/bin/bash " + cmd);
LOG.debug("gdal 栅格转矢量输出 {}", rests);
if (Files.notExists(targetShapePath)) {
throw new ServiceException("gdal 栅格转矢量失败!");