我正在接收实时 RTSP 流并使用 ffmpeg 将其转换为碎片化的 mp4,然后通过 websocket 将其重新分发给连接的客户端。然后客户端将使用普通的网络浏览器(例如带有媒体源扩展的 Chrome)播放它。大多数时候,代码会按预期工作,但有时解析从 ffmpeg stdout 发出的块的过程会遇到一些问题。 当一切正常时,从 ffmpeg 发出的每个数据块将被解析、切片并重新组合到初始化段(由 FYTP 框和 MOOV 框组成)或媒体段(由MOOF 框和一个 MDAT 框)。涉及的关键步骤是:
我怀疑这个问题与我的代码关系不大,而与 ffmpeg 输出有关。有没有人遇到过类似的问题?以下是我的代码。对此的任何帮助将不胜感激!谢谢。
const WebSocket = require("ws");
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const rtspUrl = "rtsp://localhost:8554/mystream";
const fs = require('fs');
const outputFile = fs.createWriteStream('ffmpeg_output.bin');
const wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: 4001 });
var buf_chunks_string_holder_array = [];
var initialization_segment_ready_flag = false;
var initialization_segment_to_send = [];
var buffered_media_segment_ready_flag = false;
var buffered_media_segment_to_send = [];
var segment_end_index = { "box_type": "nil", "end_index": 0 };
var next_segment_counter = 0;
var processing_counter_queue = []
var moof_counter = 0;
var mdat_counter = 0;
var checker = '';
wss.on("connection", (ws) => {
console.log("Client connected");
if (initialization_segment_ready_flag == true) {
wss.clients.forEach(client => {
client.send(new Uint8Array(initialization_segment_to_send).buffer);
if (buffered_media_segment_ready_flag == true) {
wss.clients.forEach(client => {
client.send(new Uint8Array(buffered_media_segment_to_send.buffer));
ws.on("close", () => {
console.log("Client disconnected");
ws.addEventListener("error", (error) => {
console.error("WebSocket error:", error);
const ffmpeg = spawn("ffmpeg", [
function decToHex(dec) {
return dec.toString(16).padStart(2,'0').toUpperCase();
function hexToDec(hex) {
return parseInt(hex, 16);
//This is where the parsing and calculating of the length of each box will take place.
ffmpeg.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => {
for (var i=0; i < chunk.length; i ++){
checker += decToHex(chunk[i]);
if(checker.length == 16){
if (checker.slice(-8) === '66747970'){
let box_size_string = checker.slice(-16, -8);
let num_bytes = hexToDec(box_size_string);
next_segment_counter += num_bytes;
else if(checker.slice(-8) === '6D6F6F76'){
let box_size_string = checker.slice(-16, -8);
let num_bytes = hexToDec(box_size_string);
next_segment_counter += num_bytes;
segment_end_index = { "box_type": "ftyp&moov", "end_index": next_segment_counter };
next_segment_counter = 0;
else if(checker.slice(-8) === '6D6F6F66'){
let box_size_string = checker.slice(-16, -8);
let num_bytes = hexToDec(box_size_string);
next_segment_counter += num_bytes;
moof_counter ++;
else if(checker.slice(-8) === '6D646174'){
let box_size_string = checker.slice(-16, -8);
let num_bytes = hexToDec(box_size_string);
next_segment_counter += num_bytes;
segment_end_index = { "box_type": "moof&mdat", "end_index": next_segment_counter };
next_segment_counter = 0;
mdat_counter ++;
checker = checker.slice(2);
//This is where the data will be sliced, grouped into their respective segments and sent to the connected clients.
if (processing_counter_queue.length > 0) {
var jobs_removal_counter = 0;
processing_counter_queue.forEach(job_info => {
if (job_info.box_type == 'ftyp&moov' && buf_chunks_string_holder_array.length >= job_info.end_index) {
initialization_segment_to_send = buf_chunks_string_holder_array.slice(0, job_info.end_index);
initialization_segment_ready_flag = true;
buf_chunks_string_holder_array = buf_chunks_string_holder_array.slice(job_info.end_index);
if (job_info.box_type == 'moof&mdat' && buf_chunks_string_holder_array.length >= job_info.end_index) {
buffered_media_segment_to_send = buf_chunks_string_holder_array.slice(0, job_info.end_index);
buffered_media_segment_ready_flag = true;
buf_chunks_string_holder_array = buf_chunks_string_holder_array.slice(job_info.end_index);
if (buf_chunks_string_holder_array.length!= 0 ||
(buf_chunks_string_holder_array[4]!= 102 && buf_chunks_string_holder_array[5]!= 116 && buf_chunks_string_holder_array[6]!= 121 && buf_chunks_string_holder_array[7]!= 112) ||
(buf_chunks_string_holder_array[4]!= 109 && buf_chunks_string_holder_array[5]!= 100 && buf_chunks_string_holder_array[6]!= 97 && buf_chunks_string_holder_array[7]!= 116)){
buf_chunks_string_holder_array = [];
processing_counter_queue = [];
if (wss.clients.size >= 1) {
wss.clients.forEach(client => {
client.send(new Uint8Array(buffered_media_segment_to_send).buffer);
processing_counter_queue = processing_counter_queue.slice(jobs_removal_counter);
ffmpeg.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`stderr: ${data}`);
ffmpeg.on('close', (code) => {
console.log(`FFmpeg process exited with code ${code}`);