Wemos D1 Mini 8266 动态内存使用情况

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

第一次发帖... 我通常使用 ATMEGA 328P 编程,但最近开始使用 D1 Mini ESP8266。我写了一个我认为相当简单的程序。我在 IDE 的 VSCode 中使用 PlatformIO。 我关心的是程序使用的静态 RAM 的数量。 内存统计: 内存区域使用大小 区域大小 %age Used dport0_0_seg:0 GB 16 B 0.00% dram0_0_seg:33872 B 80 KB 41.35% irom0_0_seg:492260 B 1044464 B 47.13% ** iram1_0_seg:27804 B 32 KB 84.85%** 检索最大程序大小 .pio uild\d1_mini irmware.elf 检查大小 .pio uild\d1_mini irmware.elf 高级内存使用可通过“PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect”获得 RAM:[====] 41.3%(使用了 81920 字节中的 33812 字节) 闪存:[=====] 50.4%(使用了 1044464 字节中的 526682 字节) 构建 .pio uild\d1_mini irmware.bin

我在328P上好像没遇到过这个问题。我正在寻找有关此问题的一些反馈或减少 IRAM 使用的提示或技巧。 PROGMEM 没有帮助。



#ifndef Arduino_h
  #include <Arduino.h>

#ifndef WiFi_h
  #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

  #include <ESP_Mail_Client.h>

#ifndef creditials_h
  #include <creditials.h>

#ifndef localWifi_h
  #include <localWifi.h>

#ifndef getTime_h
  #include <getTime.h>

#ifndef _Time_h
  #include <TimeLib.h>

#ifndef WIFIUDP_H
  #include <WiFiUdp.h>    

#ifndef global_h
  #include <global.h>

#ifndef TimFlsh_h
  #include "TimerFlasher.h"

// instantate methods
GetTime    M_getTime;
LocalWiFi  M_WiFi;
L_Global   M_Global;
TimFlsh    M_TimFlsh;

// global variable  
long unsigned millisSeconds = 1000; 
int  cnt = 0;
int  machHasRun                     [2]  = {_Off,  _Off };         //indicates that a mach as started
bool machAllReadyOn                 [2]  = {false, false};
int  whichMachCase                  [2]  = {  0,      0 };

D3 INPUT: Washer running, pulled low when on.
D4 INPUT: Dryer running, pulled low when on.
D5 OUTPUT: pull low to turn on Washer ON LED.
D6 OUTPUT: pull low to turn on Dryer ON LED.
D7 OUTPUT: pull low to turn on Send E-mail LED.

int  machOnIO                       [2]  = { D3,     D4 };         // mach on / off IO
int  machLEDIO                      [2]  = { D5,     D6 };         // LED on/off IO
int  emailLED                            =   D7;
bool wait                           [2]  = {false, false};

long unsigned OffDelayPrevMillis    [2]  = {0,0};
long unsigned OffDelayInterval      [2]  = {60 * millisSeconds, 60 * millisSeconds};

long unsigned EmailDelayPrevMillis  [2]  = {0,0};
long unsigned EmailDelayInterval    [2]  = {30 * millisSeconds, 30 * millisSeconds};
bool oneSecond                      [2]  = {true, true};
long unsigned oneSecondPrevMillis   [2]  = {0,0};
long unsigned oneSecondInterval     [2]  = {1 * millisSeconds, 1 * millisSeconds};

bool EmailOK;

//forward declare
bool SendEmail         (int cnt);

void setup() 
  pinMode(machOnIO[WASHER],  INPUT_PULLUP);   //washer on/off
  pinMode(machOnIO[DRYER],   INPUT_PULLUP);   //dryer on/off
  pinMode(machLEDIO[WASHER], OUTPUT);         //washer power LED
  pinMode(machLEDIO[DRYER],  OUTPUT);         // dryer LED
  pinMode(emailLED,          OUTPUT);         // sending e-mail indiacator

#if TEST
    pinMode(BUILTIN_LED,       OUTPUT);
    Serial.println("Setup complete:");
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,I_Off);   // turn off on board led

}  //end setup

// main loop A. loop through machines to see if running
//           b. loop on case for each machine
//      case 1. start cycle, set machine to running, when detect off, prepare to delay
//      case 2. delay off of machine cycle to assure this is not a user interrupt (door opened), 
//              return to case 1 if starts running again before delay expires
//      case 3. machine confirmed off, send an e-mail.  if email fails stay in case 3, send again after delay, try 3 times
//      return to A
void loop()
{  // check if a machine is running

  for (int loop = WASHER; loop <= DRYER; loop++ )            // Washer = 0, Dryer = 1
    oneSecond[loop] = (M_TimFlsh.oneSecondDelay(loop, oneSecond, oneSecondPrevMillis, oneSecondInterval));  
    if (digitalRead(machOnIO[loop]) == I_On  and machAllReadyOn[loop] == false )  // machine On and not detected before
      digitalWrite(machLEDIO[loop], I_On);                  // turn on proper cycle LED
      whichMachCase[loop] = START_CYCLE;                    // set switch/case
      #if TEST
        if(loop == WASHER){digitalWrite(BUILTIN_LED,I_On);}        
    } //end if
  } // end for

  for (int loop = WASHER; loop <= DRYER; loop++ )             // check all machines
        //What to do 
        case START_CYCLE:  // check for end of cycle or user invocked stop
          #if TEST
            Serial.println("Case START_CYCLE " + M_Global.name[loop]);

          machAllReadyOn[loop] = true;                        // set proper machine to on
          if(digitalRead(machOnIO[loop]) == HIGH)             // ck mach off IO
            OffDelayPrevMillis[loop] = millis();             // set start time for current machine for the off delay
            whichMachCase[loop] = DELAYOFF;                     // move to next case
        } // END CASE Start_cycle
        case DELAYOFF:  // make sure cyce is over and not just a user interruption "off delay timer"
          #if TEST
            Serial.println("Case DELAYOFF " + M_Global.name[loop]);

          if(M_TimFlsh.ckOffDelayTime(loop, OffDelayPrevMillis[loop], OffDelayInterval[loop]))                      // true when timed out
            digitalWrite(machLEDIO[loop], I_Off);       // turn off cycle LED
            #if TEST
            wait[loop] = false;
            whichMachCase[loop] = SENDMAIL;             // move to next case
          else if (oneSecond[loop])
          { // waiting for timeout
            machAllReadyOn[loop] = false;
        } // END CASE DelayOFf

        case SENDMAIL:     // time to send the e-mail
          #if TEST
            Serial.println("Case SENDEMAIL " + M_Global.name[loop]);

          if(wait[loop])                                        // prior e-mail failed, wait to send a replacment
            {wait[loop] = M_TimFlsh.ckEmailDelay(loop, EmailDelayPrevMillis[loop], OffDelayInterval[loop]);} 
            digitalWrite(emailLED, I_On);
            EmailOK = SendEmail(loop);
            EmailDelayPrevMillis[loop] = millis();              // set start time for e-mail delay
            if (EmailOK)
                machAllReadyOn[loop] = false; 
                wait[loop] = false;
                whichMachCase[loop]  = 0;
                digitalWrite(emailLED, I_Off);
              else if (!EmailOK)
                wait[loop] = true;
        } // END CASE SendEmail          
        } // END DEFAULT
      } //END SWITCH
  }  // END FOR LOOP
} // end loop()

// Send e-mail and get the status
  bool SendEmail(int cnt)
    bool EmailFail = false;
    int WiFiOK = M_WiFi.connect_WiFi();
    if (WiFiOK == WL_CONNECTED)
      String Dtmsg  = M_getTime.NST_Time();
      String Emsg   = M_Global.msg[cnt];
      bool EmailOK  = M_WiFi.send_Email(Dtmsg, Emsg, "ESP8266 machine monitoring", cnt);
        #if TEST
          Serial.println("Email OK");
        return EmailOK;
      }  //end  if emailOK
        #if TEST
          Serial.println("Email Failed");
        return EmailFail;
      } // end else emailok   
     #if TEST
      Serial.println("Email Failed");
    return EmailFail;

我试过使用 PROGMEM 将数据移动到程序内存中。大多数数据是 String 类型,编译器不允许将它们移动到程序内存。

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