在输入信息并将信息传递到多个 HTML 表单元素时进行搜索

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


我有一个客户数据库。我有这个漂亮的 HTML 表单需要填写。当我点击提交时,它会在服务器上填充一个可填写的 PDF。

当您开始输入名称时,它会显示所有结果,您可以单击其中之一,它会填充 HTML 字段的 NAME 部分。但只有名字。我希望它填充所有 HTML 元素。 (也许不是复选框)。

这是我的 HTML 表单,名为 search.php

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Deer Processing</title>
   <!-- jQuery library is required. -->
   <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
   <!-- Include our script file. -->
   <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
   <!-- Include the CSS file. -->
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<!-- Search box. 
   <input type="text" id="search" placeholder="Search" /> -->
  <div id="registration-form">
  <div class='fieldset'>
  <legend>Deer Processing Form</legend>
    <form action="formFiller.php" method="post">
      <div class='row'>
        <label for="Name_textbox"></label>
        <input type="text" id="search" name="Name_textbox" placeholder="Name">
        <label for="Address_textbox"></label>
        <input type="text" id="address" name="Address_textbox" placeholder="Address">
        <label for="CityState_textbox"></label>
        <input type="text" name="CityState" placeholder="City, State">
        <label for="Zip_textbox"></label>
        <input type="text" name="Zip_textbox" placeholder="Zip Code">
        <label for="CellPhone_textbox"></label>
        <input type="text" name="CellPhone_textbox" placeholder="Cell Phone">
        <input type="checkbox" name="Checkbox_1_checkbox">
        <label for="Checkbox_1_checkbox">Receive Text Message</label>
        <label for="SecondaryPhone_textbox"></label>
        <input type="text" name="SecondaryPhone_textbox" placeholder="Mandatory Phone">

      <input type="submit">
    <div id="display"></div>
   <b>Example: </b><i>Emily Anderson, Liam Johnson, Sophia Martinez, Ethan Thompson, Olivia Davis</i>
   <br />
   <!-- Suggestions will be displayed in the following div. -->
   <div id="display"></div>

这是我的 AJAX.PHP 文件。

// Include the database configuration file.
include "db.php";
// Retrieve the value of the "search" variable from "script.js".
if (isset($_POST['search'])) {
   // Assign the search box value to the $Name variable.
   $Name = $_POST['search'];
   // Define the search query.
   $Query = "SELECT Name, Address, CityState FROM customers WHERE Name LIKE '%$Name%' LIMIT 50";
   // Execute the query.
   $ExecQuery = MySQLi_query($con, $Query);
   // Create an unordered list to display the results.
   echo '
   // Fetch the results from the database.
   while ($Result = MySQLi_fetch_array($ExecQuery)) {
   <!-- Create list items.
        Call the JavaScript function named "fill" found in "script.js".
        Pass the fetched result as a parameter. -->
   <li onclick='fill("<?php echo $Result['Name']; ?>")'>
   <!-- Display the searched result in the search box of "search.php". -->
       <?php echo $Result[0]; ?><?php echo", "; ?>
       <?php echo $Result[1]; ?><?php echo", "; ?>
       <?php echo $Result[2]; ?>
   <!-- The following PHP code is only for closing parentheses. Do not be confused. -->

这是我的 script.js 文件。

// Retrieve the value from "ajax.php".
function fill(Value) {
   // Assign the value to the "search" div in "search.php".
   // Hide the "display" div in "search.php".

$(document).ready(function() {
   // When a key is pressed in the "Search box" of "search.php", this function will be called.
   $("#search").keyup(function() {
       // Assign the search box value to a JavaScript variable named "name".
       var name = $('#search').val();
       // Validate if "name" is empty.
       if (name == "") {
           // Assign an empty value to the "display" div in "search.php".
       // If the name is not empty.
       else {
           // Initiate an AJAX request.
               // Set the AJAX type as "POST".
               type: "POST",
               // Send data to "ajax.php".
               url: "ajax.php",
               // Pass the value of "name" into the "search" variable.
               data: {
                   search: name
               // If a result is found, this function will be called.
               success: function(html) {
                   // Assign the result to the "display" div in "search.php".

as you type John it finds all johns but it only passes his name to the form, no his address and city/state

我希望在您点击您喜欢的搜索结果后,让它填充地址和城市状态。 (我也有两部手机和其他信息,但一次只做一件事)。

javascript php mysql ajax



(1) 请在您的CityState输入框中添加ID,以便更改

<input type="text" name="CityState" placeholder="City, State">

<input type="text" id="CityState" name="CityState" placeholder="City, State">

(2) 然后,修改你的 ajax.php

 echo '
   // Fetch the results from the database.
   while ($Result = MySQLi_fetch_array($ExecQuery)) {
   <!-- Create list items.
        Call the JavaScript function named "fill" found in "script.js".
        Pass the fetched result as a parameter. -->
   <li onclick='fill("<?php echo $Result['Name']; ?>")'>
   <!-- Display the searched result in the search box of "search.php". -->
       <?php echo $Result[0]; ?><?php echo", "; ?>
       <?php echo $Result[1]; ?><?php echo", "; ?>
       <?php echo $Result[2]; ?>
   <!-- The following PHP code is only for closing parentheses. Do not be confused. -->

 echo '
<select id=ajaxreturn onchange="javascript:fill();">
<option value="">Please select
   // Fetch the results from the database.
   while ($Result = MySQLi_fetch_array($ExecQuery)) {
   <!-- Create list items.
        Call the JavaScript function named "fill" found in "script.js".
        Pass the fetched result as a parameter. -->
<option value="<?php echo $Result[0]; ?><?php echo"||"; ?><?php echo $Result[1]; ?><?php echo"||"; ?><?php echo $Result[2]; ?>
   <!-- Display the searched result in the search box of "search.php". -->
       <?php echo $Result[0]; ?><?php echo", "; ?>
       <?php echo $Result[1]; ?><?php echo", "; ?>
       <?php echo $Result[2]; ?>
   <!-- The following PHP code is only for closing parentheses. Do not be confused. -->

(3) 最后,将 fill JS 函数修改为:

function fill() {
   // Assign the value to the "search" div in "search.php".
//   $('#search').val(Value);

var strUser = document.getElementById("ajaxreturn").value;

if (strUser!="")
const myArray = strUser.split("||");



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