如何为 Power Query 连接设置只读?

问题描述 投票:0回答:3

如何在 Power Query 中强制“只读”

  • 或者将源文件另存为“共享拒绝写入”?

每天我的 Excel 报告都会连接来自多个不同来源的信息,并将结果保存在单独的 xlsx 文件中。然后,这些 xlsx 文件(工作表)将用作其他报告的源。

但问题是,如果有人打开其中使用了 Power Query 连接的其他报告之一。它还将使源文件忙于更新。 (用下面我的另存为宏覆盖)
结果是没有一个报告是最新的 - 因为没有简单的方法可以将查询或连接设置为其源上的只读。

在早期的 Excel 版本中,用户可以选择 souse 连接为只读,如下所示:[连接到工作簿]https://i.sstatic.net/2L72p.jpg


Sub Sap_Ordrer_SaveAs()
Dim wb As Workbook
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    ' SaveAs File : Sap-Ordrer.xlsx
    Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
    With wb
        .SaveAs GetWorkingPath() & "\Sap-Ordrer"
        .Close False
    End With
    Set wb = Nothing

Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub

excel vba powerquery

不知道这是否有帮助,但我在某个地方保存了 VBA 代码来终止 powerquery 连接。不是我的马戏团,不是我的猴子,所以无法回答有关它的问题

Dim qr As WorkbookQuery
On Error Resume Next
For Each qr In csvWrapperWB.Queries
csvWrapperWB.Close Savechanges:=False


我今天将测试这是否能解决问题 - 如果这将释放我的 xlsx 源文件进行更新,我将将此答案称为已解决。


Dim conn As Variant

For Each conn In ActiveWorkbook.Connections
    conn.OLEDBConnection.MaintainConnection = False
Next conn

更多信息可以在这里找到: 微软学习

Whola - 这有效!我将在这里介绍它在我的代码中的使用方式:

Sub TestEditWorkCenterQueries()
' Coded by Svein Arne Hylland 25.11.2022.
' This sub is to show how to change filters in all query
' In this case there is two queries one for 'Order' and one for 'Order Operations' - Bouth can filter on 'Main WorkCtr'.
' The WorkCenterArrey string will then be parsed from other sub in a form to change the filters on ThisWorkbook.Queries.
' Then each user can select what 'Main WorkCtr' they vant to include in their workbook.
Dim WorkCenterArrey As String
WorkCenterArrey = "'1338-XT','1338TOOL'"
EditAllWorkbookFormuals (WorkCenterArrey)
End Sub

Sub EditAllWorkbookFormuals(SelectedWorkCenters As String)
For Each q In ThisWorkbook.Queries
If q.Name <> "ZIQ09" Then
 q.Formula = NewQuery(q.Formula, SelectedWorkCenters)
 With ThisWorkbook.Connections("Query - " & q.Name)
    .OLEDBConnection.MaintainConnection = False
 End With
End If
End Sub

Function NewQuery(MyQuery As String, WorkCenterArrey As String) As String
' Function recive the set Formula and returns the updated Formula with the new filter
WorkCenterArrey = Replace(WorkCenterArrey, "'", "")
' Convert the string to arrey for filter
Dim MyArr() As String
MyArr = Split(WorkCenterArrey, ",")
' Do you manipulation here of your own MyQuery string
'MsgBox MyQuery
' Use Select case, If, Inst, replace, and so on.
' .....
Pos1 = InStr(1, MyQuery, "each ([Main WorkCtr] = ") ' Find Start position to be replaced
If Pos1 > 0 Then Pos2 = InStr(Pos1, MyQuery, ")") ' Finds then End posistion to be replaced
If Pos1 > 0 Then
    ToBeReplaced = Mid(MyQuery, Pos1, Pos2 - Pos1 + 1)
    'MsgBox ToBeReplaced
    ' Build up the new filter from Arrey
    NewFilter = "each ("
    For e = LBound(MyArr) To UBound(MyArr)
        NewFilter = NewFilter & "[Main WorkCtr] = """ & MyArr(e) & """ or "
    'Remove the last or statement - and add the parantese
    NewFilter = Left(NewFilter, Len(NewFilter) - 4) & ")"
    'MsgBox NewFilter
    ' Replace the filter
    MyQuery = Replace(MyQuery, ToBeReplaced, NewFilter)
End If
' Parse the new string back to Sub as the NewQuery
NewQuery = MyQuery
End Function




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