我正在开发预订/预订系统,需要使用联系表 7 中的日期选项为预订系统添加不同的时间选项。例如: 从日历来看,如果他们选择的日期是:
周一至周四,预订选项为上午 10 点至晚上 8 点
周五:下午 1 点至晚上 11 点
周六至周日预订选项下午 1 点至晚上 10 点
@Alex 检查我在下面做了什么,您可以稍微调整一下逻辑,但我认为这可以满足您的需求,请告诉我。
此示例使用纯 HTML,但您的联系表单 7 模板将类似于:
<label> Choose Date
[date date-536 id:bookingDate]</label>
<label> Select Time
[select* booking-time id:bookingTime]</label>
[submit "Submit"]
// const
const bookingDateEl = document.getElementById("bookingDate");
const bookingTime = document.getElementById("bookingTime");
// Set all time slots with a min and max params
function setTimeSlots(minTime, maxTime) {
for (var i = minTime; i <= maxTime; i++) {
// Time slots value
const timeSlot = i + ":00";
// Create the current timeslot option element
var opt = document.createElement("option");
// Assign Values to option element
opt.value = timeSlot;
opt.innerHTML = timeSlot;
// Append option element to select time.
// Clear Select Time
function clearTimeSlots(selectEl) {
while (selectEl.options.length > 0) {
// Handle when a date is chosen
function bookingDateHandler(event) {
const bookingDate = new Date(bookingDateEl.value);
// Get day of the week, 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, and so on
const bookingDay = bookingDate.getDay();
if (bookingDay === 0 || bookingDate === 6) {
setTimeSlots(13, 22);
if (bookingDay >= 1 && bookingDay <= 4) {
setTimeSlots(10, 20);
if (bookingDay === 5) {
setTimeSlots(13, 23);
// Listen to date change
if (bookingDateEl) {
bookingDateEl.addEventListener("change", bookingDateHandler);
<label for="bookingDate">Select Booking Date </label>
<input type="date" id="bookingDate" />
<label for="bookingTime">Select Booking Timme </label>
<select type="date" id="bookingTime">