我使用 vba 来评估 2 列,并填充文本或根据 2 个日期之间的比较来更改颜色。看来这应该很容易。
我收到错误 424 需要对象。突出显示
Set = Actual
Sub ColorTATCol()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Plate Analysis")
With ws
Dim LR As Long
LR = Sheet1.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
Dim i As Long
Dim Actual As Date
Dim Projected As Date
For i = 3 To LR
Set Actual = Cells(i, "P").Value
Set Projected = Cells(i, "O").Value
'If ActualTAT row is empty, ActualTAT = "not complete"
'If ProjectedTAT row is empty, ProjectedTAT = "no receipt date"
If IsEmpty(Actual.Value) = True Then
Actual.Value = "not complete"
If IsEmpty(Projected.Value) = True Then
Projected.Value = "no receipt date"
End If
End If
'if ActualTAT is a Date And <= Projected TAT, interior color index = 8 (blue)
If IsDate(Actual.Value) = True And Actual.Value <= Projected.Value Then
Actual.Value.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
'if ActualTAT > Projected TAT, interior color index = 4 (green)
Actual.Value.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub```
Sub ColorTATCol()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim LR As Long, i As Long, ci As Long
Dim Actual As Range, Projected As Range '## not as Date
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Plate Analysis")
LR = ws.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious).Row
For i = 3 To LR
Set Actual = ws.Cells(i, "P")
Set Projected = ws.Cells(i, "O")
'If ActualTAT row is empty, ActualTAT = "not complete"
'If ProjectedTAT row is empty, ProjectedTAT = "no receipt date"
If IsEmpty(Actual.Value) Then Actual.Value = "not complete"
If IsEmpty(Projected.Value) Then Projected.Value = "no receipt date"
'if ActualTAT is a Date And <= Projected TAT, interior color index = 8 (blue)
If IsDate(Actual.Value) And Actual.Value <= Projected.Value Then
Actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
'if ActualTAT > Projected TAT, interior color index = 4 (green)
Actual.Interior.ColorIndex = 4
End If
Next i
End Sub