Function FormatAsDate(value As Variant, isDateColumn As Boolean) As String
' Format the value as a date if it's a valid date or a date serial number
If isDateColumn And IsNumeric(value) Then
** FormatAsDate = Format(CDbl(value), "mm/dd/yyyy")**
FormatAsDate = CStr(value)
End If
End Function
我尝试使用更少的行(减少到 10 行),但什么也不使用。我的文件中是否隐藏了格式?请帮忙!
If value Like "##/##/####" then Return(CDate(value))
If CLng(value) > 40000 and CLng(value) < 50000 then Return(CDate(value)) ' 2009 - 2036
If value Like "########" Then Return(DateSerial(Right(value,4), Left(value,2), Mid(Value,3,2))
Debug.Print "Error..."