我正在从 API 中提取数据,结果是非常混乱的列表,其中有一些嵌套列表。我的总体目标是让代码输出一个 .csv 文件,其中每行都有单位、标签、日期时间和值。我弄清楚了第一个列表,但其他嵌入的列表超出了我的理解范围。返回的数据位于名为 tagResult 的列表中,其中包含一个名为 value 的列表。在值列表中,它有标记名(我想要的)和称为值的列表。值列表包含时间戳和我想要的实际值。附件是断点的屏幕截图。
namespace ConsoleApp7
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.IO;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using CSharpFunctionalExtensions;
using CsvHelper;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Scada.OneView.Api.Client;
using Scada.OneView.Api.Client.Abstractions;
using Scada.OneView.Api.Client.Models.HistData;
using Serilog;
class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
// Initialize parameters
const string oneViewUrl = "";
const string authenticationUrl = "";
const string username = "XXX";
const string password = "SXXXXX";
const string logFilePath = @"C:\Users\jzala\Documents\PivotGenPy\test7.txt";
// Initialize logger
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
// Put OneView Authentication URL and username/password here
var authenticationSettings = new OneViewAuthenticationSettings
AuthUrl = authenticationUrl,
Username = username,
Password = password,
AuthenticationType = AuthenticationType.IdentityAuthentication,
// Put OneView URL here
var oneviewSettings = new OneViewClientSettings
OneViewUrl = oneViewUrl
// Create single factory for one OneView, using oneview and authentication settings
using var oneviewClientFactory = new OneViewClientFactory(
//Historical Values
var unitGuid = new Guid("d6f49127-d710-4730-9aa1-d44846fd5537");
var tags = new List<string>() { "WCNV.GriA2_10m_Max", "WCNV.GriA2_10m_Min", "WCNV.GriA2_10m_Std" };
var dateFrom = new DateTime(2024, 3, 1, 10, 0, 0);
var DateTO = new DateTime(2024, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0);
const byte amountOfEvents = 90;
IOneViewClient oneViewClient = oneviewClientFactory.CreateInstance();
Result<IReadOnlyList<HistValueResponseDto>> tagResult = await oneViewClient.GetHistTagsAsync(unitGuid, tags, dateFrom,
DateTO, 2, 2);
if (tagResult.IsFailure)
// An error occured
// Path of output CSV File
string csvFilePath = @"C:\Users\jzala\Documents\PivotGenPy\test17.txt";
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(csvFilePath))
// Iterates over the results and writes them into the file
foreach (var d in tagResult.Value.ToList())
//Assuming d.Value is a string and d.Count is an int
var test = tagResult.Value.ToList();
//Log.Logger.Information("Historical events from OneView");
tagResult.Value.ToList().ForEach(Value =>
// Log.Logger.Information("Finish reading");
我的一位在 XM 负责软件工程的朋友昨晚帮助了我。所以这里是如何取消数组和列表中的嵌套列表的答案。
var dateFrom = new DateTime(2024, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0);
var DateTO = new DateTime(2024, 3, 11, 0, 0, 0);
const byte amountOfEvents = 90;
IOneViewClient oneViewClient = oneviewClientFactory.CreateInstance();
Result<IReadOnlyList<HistValueResponseDto>> tagResult = await oneViewClient.GetHistTagsAsync(unitGuid, tags, dateFrom,
DateTO, 10, 0);
if (tagResult.IsFailure)
// An error occured
//Log.Logger.Information("Historical events from OneView");
tagResult.Value.ToList().ForEach(Value =>
Value.Values.ToList().ForEach(Values =>
Log.Logger.Information("{@Unit},{@tagname},{@Timestamp},{@Value}", unitGuid, Value.TagName, Values.Timestamp, Values.Value)));