
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在创建一台图灵机,它使用一元表示在 300 步限制内计算两个数字的乘法。例如 2 * 3 为 110111,输出为 111111。3 * 5 为 111011111,输出为 111111111111111。

from turing_machine import TuringMachine

#create the Turing machine
multiplier = TuringMachine( 
        #Write your transition rules here as entries to a Python dictionary
        #For example, the key will be a pair (state, character)
        #The value will be the triple (next state, character to write, move head L or R)
        #such as ('q0', '1'): ('q1', '0', 'R'), which says if current state is q0 and 1 encountered
        #then transition to state q1, write a 0 and move head right.
        ('q0', '1'): ('q0', '1', 'R'),
        ('q0', '0'): ('q1', '0', 'R'),

        ('q1', '1'): ('q1', '1', 'R'),
        ('q1', ''): ('q2', '0', 'L'),

        ('q2', '1'): ('q2', '1', 'L'),
        ('q2', '0'): ('q3', '0', 'R'),

        ('q3', ''): ('q3', '', 'R'),
        ('q3', '1'): ('q4', '', 'L'),
        ('q3', '0'): ('qa', '', 'R'),

        ('q4', ''): ('q4', '', 'L'),
        ('q4', '0'): ('q5', '0', 'L'),

        ('q5', 'Y'): ('q5', 'Y', 'L'),
        ('q5', '1'): ('q6', 'Y', 'R'),

        ('q6', 'Y'): ('q6', 'Y', 'R'),
        ('q6', '0'): ('q7', '0', 'R'),

        ('q7', '1'): ('q7', '1', 'R'),
        ('q7', ''): ('q7', '', 'R'),
        ('q7', '0'): ('q8', '0', 'R'),

        ('q8', '1'): ('q8', '1', 'R'),
        ('q8', ''): ('q9', '1', 'L'),

        ('q9', '1'): ('q9', '1', 'L'),
        ('q9', '0'): ('q10', '0', 'L'),

        ('q10', '1'): ('q10', '1', 'L'),
        ('q10', ''): ('q10', '', 'L'),
        ('q10', '0'): ('q5', '0', 'L'),

        ('q5', ''): ('q11', '', 'R'),
        ('q11', 'Y'): ('q11', '1', 'R'),
        ('q11', '0'): ('q3', '0', 'R'),

multiplier.debug('111011111', step_limit=300)

这个图灵机是基于图的 enter image description here

但是,我无法在300步内输出3 * 5,并且对于2 * 3,输出是


python multiplication turing-machines




状态 阅读 摇头 下一个状态
开始 1 _ R 得到
得到 1 _ R
得到 0 _ R 清理
1 R
0 R 阅读
阅读 1 2 R 复制
阅读 2 R 阅读
复制 1 4 R 更多复制
复制 3 1 R 最后一个副本
复制 _ 1 L 重新启动
更多复制 1,3 R 更多复制
更多复制 _ 3 L 查找下一个
查找下一个 1,3 L 查找下一个
查找下一个 4 2 R 复制
最后一个副本 1,2,3 1 R 最后一个副本
最后一个副本 _ 1 L 重新启动
重新启动 0,1,2 L 重新启动
重新启动 _ R 得到
清理 12 1 R 清理
清理 _ L 停下来


    transitions: [
        { state: "start",     read: "1",  write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "get"       },
        { state: "get",       read: "1",  write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "right"     },
        { state: "get",       read: "0",  write: "_", move: "R", nextState: "cleanup"   },
        { state: "right",     read: "1",              move: "R", nextState: "right"     },
        { state: "right",     read: "0",              move: "R", nextState: "read"      },
        { state: "read",      read: "1",  write: "2", move: "R", nextState: "copy"      },
        { state: "read",      read: "2",              move: "R", nextState: "read"      },
        { state: "copy",      read: "1",  write: "4", move: "R", nextState: "moreCopy"  },
        { state: "copy",      read: "3",  write: "1", move: "R", nextState: "lastCopy"  },
        { state: "copy",      read: "_",  write: "1", move: "L", nextState: "restart"   },
        { state: "moreCopy",  read: "13",             move: "R", nextState: "moreCopy"  },
        { state: "moreCopy",  read: "_",  write: "3", move: "L", nextState: "findNext"  },
        { state: "findNext",  read: "13",             move: "L", nextState: "findNext"  },
        { state: "findNext",  read: "4",  write: "2", move: "R", nextState: "copy"      },
        { state: "lastCopy",  read: "123",write: "1", move: "R", nextState: "lastCopy"  },
        { state: "lastCopy",  read: "_",  write: "1", move: "L", nextState: "restart"   },
        { state: "restart",   read: "012",            move: "L", nextState: "restart"   },
        { state: "restart",   read: "_",              move: "R", nextState: "get"       },
        { state: "cleanup",   read: "12", write: "1", move: "R", nextState: "cleanup"   },
        { state: "cleanup",   read: "_",              move: "L", nextState: "halt"      },
    initState: "start",
    tape: "111011111",
<script src="https://trincot.github.io/turing.js"></script>

步数还有很大的改进空间,但这在 140 步中执行 3*5 的乘法,在 158 步中执行 5*3 的乘法,因此远低于 300 的限制。

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