
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



import os
import json
import shutil
import re
import fileinput
from collections import OrderedDict

#Finds and lists the folders that have been provided
folders = list(filter (lambda x: os.path.isdir(os.path.join(d, x)), os.listdir(d)))
print("Folders found: ")

def processModelFolder(inFolder):

#Creating the file names 
    fileName = os.path.join(d, inFolder, inFolder + ".mdl")
    fileNameTwo = os.path.join(d, inFolder, inFolder + ".vg2.json")
    fileNameThree = os.path.join(d, inFolder, inFolder + "APPENDED.vg2.json")
#copying the json file so the new copy can be appended
    shutil.copyfile(fileNameTwo, fileNameThree)
#assigning IDs and properties to search for in the mdl file
    IDs = ["7f034e5c-24df-4145-bab8-601f49b43b50"]
    Properties = ["IDSU_FX[0]"]
#Basic check to see if IDs and Properties are valid
    for i in IDs:
             if len(i) != 36:
                print("ID may not have been valid and might not return the results you expect, check to ensure the characters are correct: ")
    if len(IDs) == 0:
        print("No IDs were given!")
    elif len(Properties) == 0:
        print("No Properties were given!")
#Reads code untill an ID is found           
        with open(fileName , "r") as in_file:

            IDCO = None
            for n, line in enumerate(in_file, 1):
                if line.startswith('IDCO_IDENTIFICATION'):
                    #Checks if the second part of each line is a ID tag in IDs
                    if line.split('"')[1] in IDs:
                        #If ID found it is stored as IDCO
                        IDCO = line.split('"')[1]
                        if IDCO:
                            IDCO = None
                #Checks if the first part of each line is a Prop in Propterties
                elif IDCO and line.split(' ')[0] in Properties:
                    print('Found! ID:{} Prop:{} Value: {}'.format(IDCO, line.split('=')[0][:-1], line.split('=')[1][:-1]))
                    #Stores the property name and value
                    name = str(line.split(' ')[0])
                    value = str(line.split(' ')[2])
                    #creates the entry to be appended to the dict
                    #json file editing        
                    with open(fileNameThree , "r+") as json_data:
                        python_obj = json.load(json_data)
                    #calling recursive search
                    get_recursively(python_obj, IDCO, name, value)

    with open(fileNameThree , "w") as json_data:
        json.dump(python_obj, json_data, indent = 1)

        print('Processed {} lines in file: {}'.format(n , fileName))

def get_recursively(search_dict, IDCO, name, value):
    Takes a dict with nested lists and dicts,
    and searches all dicts for a key of the field
    provided, when key "id" is found it checks to,
    see if its value is the current IDCO tag, if so it appends the new data.
    fields_found = []

    for key, value in search_dict.iteritems():

        if key == "id":
            if value == IDCO:
                print("FOUND IDCO IN JSON: " + value +"\n")
        elif isinstance(value, dict):
            results = get_recursively(value, IDCO, name, value)
            for result in results:
                x = 1
        elif isinstance(value, list): 
            for item in value:
                if isinstance(item, dict):
                    more_results = get_recursively(item, IDCO, name, value)
                    for another_result in more_results:
    return fields_found

for modelFolder in folders:

简而言之,一旦找到我想要的键/ id值对,我可以告诉它直接将名称/值附加到该位置然后继续吗?


  "id": "79cb20b0-02be-42c7-9b45-96407c888dc2",
  "tenantId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "name": "2-stufiges Stirnradgetriebe",
  "description": null,
  "visibility": "None",
  "created": "2018-10-16T10:25:20.874Z",
  "createdBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "lastModified": "2018-10-16T10:25:28.226Z",
  "lastModifiedBy": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
  "project": {
    "id": "10c37dcc-0e4e-4c4d-a6d6-12cf65cceaf9",
    "name": "proj 2",
    "isBookmarked": false
  "rootObject": {
    "id": "6ff0010c-00fe-485b-b695-4ddd6aca4dcd",
    "type": "IDO_GEAR",
    "children": [
        "id": "1dd94d1a-e52d-40b3-a82b-6db02a8fbbab",
        "type": "IDO_SYSTEM_LOADCASE",
        "children": [],
        "childList": "SYSTEMLOADCASE",
        "properties": [
            "name": "IDCO_IDENTIFICATION",
            "value": "1dd94d1a-e52d-40b3-a82b-6db02a8fbbab"
            "name": "IDCO_DESIGNATION",
            "value": "Lastfall 1"
            "name": "IDSLC_TIME_PORTION",
            "value": 100
            "name": "IDSLC_DISTANCE_PORTION",
            "value": 100
            "name": "IDSLC_OPERATING_TIME_IN_HOURS",
            "value": 1
            "name": "IDSLC_OPERATING_TIME_IN_SECONDS",
            "value": 3600
            "name": "IDSLC_OPERATING_REVOLUTIONS",
            "value": 1
            "name": "IDSLC_OPERATING_DISTANCE",
            "value": 1
            "name": "IDSLC_ACCELERATION",
            "value": 9.81
            "name": "IDSLC_EPSILON_X",
            "value": 0
            "name": "IDSLC_EPSILON_Y",
            "value": 0
            "name": "IDSLC_EPSILON_Z",
            "value": 0
            "value": "LB_CALCULATE_LOADCASE"
            "value": false
        "position": 1,
        "order": 1,
        "support_vector": {
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0,
          "z": 0
        "u_axis_vector": {
          "x": 1,
          "y": 0,
          "z": 0
        "w_axis_vector": {
          "x": 0,
          "y": 0,
          "z": 1
        "role": "_none_"
        "id": "ab7fbf37-17bb-4e60-a543-634571a0fd73",
        "type": "IDO_SHAFT_SYSTEM",
        "children": [
            "id": "7f034e5c-24df-4145-bab8-601f49b43b50",
            "type": "IDO_RADIAL_ROLLER_BEARING",
            "children": [
                "id": "0b3e695b-6028-43af-874d-4826ab60dd3f",
                "type": "IDO_RADIAL_BEARING_INNER_RING",
                "children": [
                    "id": "330aa09d-60fb-40d7-a190-64264b3d44b7",
                    "type": "IDO_LOADCONTAINER",
                    "children": [
                        "id": "03036040-fc1a-4e52-8a69-d658e18a8d4a",
                        "type": "IDO_DISPLACEMENT",
                        "children": [],
                        "childList": "DISPLACEMENT",
                        "properties": [
                            "name": "IDCO_IDENTIFICATION",
                            "value": "03036040-fc1a-4e52-8a69-d658e18a8d4a"
                            "name": "IDCO_DESIGNATION",
                            "value": "Displacement 1"
                        "position": 1,
                        "order": 1,
                        "support_vector": {
                          "x": -201.3,
                          "y": 0,
                          "z": -229.8
                        "u_axis_vector": {
                          "x": 1,
                          "y": 0,
                          "z": 0
                        "w_axis_vector": {
                          "x": 0,
                          "y": 0,
                          "z": 1
                        "shaftSystemId": "ab7fbf37-17bb-4e60-a543-634571a0fd73",
                        "role": "_none_"
                        "id": "485f5bf4-fb97-415b-8b42-b46e9be080da",
                        "type": "IDO_CUMULATED_LOAD",
                        "children": [],
                        "childList": "CUMULATEDLOAD",
                        "properties": [
                            "name": "IDCO_IDENTIFICATION",
                            "value": "485f5bf4-fb97-415b-8b42-b46e9be080da"
                            "name": "IDCO_DESIGNATION",
                            "value": "Cumulated load 1"
                            "name": "IDCO_X",
                            "value": 0
                            "name": "IDCO_Y",
                            "value": 0
                            "name": "IDCO_Z",
                            "value": 0
                        "position": 2,
                        "order": 1,
                        "support_vector": {
                          "x": -201.3,
                          "y": 0,
                          "z": -229.8
                        "u_axis_vector": {
                          "x": 1,
                          "y": 0,
                          "z": 0
                        "w_axis_vector": {
                          "x": 0,
                          "y": 0,
                          "z": 1
                        "shaftSystemId": "ab7fbf37-17bb-4e60-a543-634571a0fd73",
                        "role": "_none_"
                    "childList": "LOADCONTAINER",
                    "properties": [
                        "name": "IDCO_IDENTIFICATION",
                        "value": "330aa09d-60fb-40d7-a190-64264b3d44b7"
                        "name": "IDCO_DESIGNATION",
                        "value": "Load container 1"
                        "name": "IDLC_LOAD_DISPLACEMENT_COMBINATION",
                        "value": "LOAD_MOMENT"
                        "name": "IDLC_TYPE_OF_MOVEMENT",
                        "value": "LB_ROTATING"
                        "name": "IDLC_NUMBER_OF_ARRAY_ELEMENTS",
                        "value": 20
                    "position": 1,
                    "order": 1,
                    "support_vector": {
                      "x": -201.3,
                      "y": 0,
                      "z": -229.8
                    "u_axis_vector": {
                      "x": 1,
                      "y": 0,
                      "z": 0
                    "w_axis_vector": {
                      "x": 0,
                      "y": 0,
                      "z": 1
                    "shaftSystemId": "ab7fbf37-17bb-4e60-a543-634571a0fd73",
                    "role": "_none_"
                    "id": "3258d217-e6e4-4a5c-8677-ae1fca26f21e",
                    "type": "IDO_RACEWAY",
                    "children": [],
                    "childList": "RACEWAY",
                    "properties": [
                        "name": "IDCO_IDENTIFICATION",
                        "value": "3258d217-e6e4-4a5c-8677-ae1fca26f21e"
                        "name": "IDCO_DESIGNATION",
                        "value": "Raceway 1"
                        "name": "IDRCW_UPPER_DEVIATION_RACEWAY_DIAMETER",
                        "value": 0
                        "name": "IDRCW_LOWER_DEVIATION_RACEWAY_DIAMETER",
                        "value": 0
                        "name": "IDRCW_PROFILE_OFFSET",
                        "value": 0
                        "name": "IDRCW_PROFILE_ANGLE",
                        "value": 0
                        "name": "IDRCW_PROFILE_CURVATURE_RADIUS",
                        "value": 0
                        "name": "IDRCW_PROFILE_CENTER_POINT_OFFSET",
                        "value": 0
                        "name": "IDRCW_PROFILE_NUMBER_OF_WAVES",
                        "value": 0
                        "name": "IDRCW_PROFILE_AMPLITUDE",
                        "value": 0
                        "name": "IDRCW_PROFILE_POSITION_OF_FIRST_WAVE",
                        "value": 0
python dictionary recursion



for key, value in search_dict.iteritems(): # <-- REPLACE value TO SOMETHING ELSE LIKE val

否则你会有bug,因为字典中的value是你要插入的新值。但如果你像for key, val in那样迭代,那么你实际上可以使用外部的value变量。



If you want to add it to the same dictionary where your id is:

if key == "id":
    if value == IDCO:
        print("FOUND IDCO IN JSON: " + value +"\n")
        search_dict[name] = value


    "id": "3258d217-e6e4-4a5c-8677-ae1fca26f21e",
    "type": "IDO_RACEWAY",
    "children": [],
    "childList": "RACEWAY",
    "<new name>": "<new value>",
    "properties": [
        "name": "IDCO_IDENTIFICATION",
        "value": "3258d217-e6e4-4a5c-8677-ae1fca26f21e"

If you want to add it to the children or properties list inside the dictionary where id is:

if key == "id":
    if value == IDCO:
        print("FOUND IDCO IN JSON: " + value +"\n")
        if search_dict.has_key("properties"): # you can swap "properties" to "children", depends on your use case
            search_dict["properties"].append({"name": name, "value": value}) # a new dictionary with 'name' and 'value' keys


    "id": "3258d217-e6e4-4a5c-8677-ae1fca26f21e",
    "type": "IDO_RACEWAY",
    "children": [],
    "childList": "RACEWAY",
    "properties": [
        "name": "IDCO_IDENTIFICATION",
        "value": "3258d217-e6e4-4a5c-8677-ae1fca26f21e"
        "name": "<new name>",
        "value": "<new value>"
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