function TEST()
var document = DocumentApp.openById("1111111111111111DocumentID111111111111111");
var docBody = document.getBody();
var docBodyChildrenCount = docBody.getNumChildren();
for (var i = 0; i < docBodyChildrenCount; i++){
var child = docBody.getChild(i);
var childType = child.getType();
if (childType == DocumentApp.ElementType.LIST_ITEM) {
var childListItem = child.asListItem();
var listItemStyle = {};
listItemStyle[DocumentApp.Attribute.FONT_FAMILY] = DocumentApp.FontFamily.TAHOMA;
listItemStyle[DocumentApp.Attribute.FONT_SIZE] = 14;
var bodyChildText = childListItem.setAttributes(listItemStyle);
在文档中没有提到Glyph Font,只有Glyph类型。您可以使用setGlyphType(glyphType)设置Glyph类型,如:
var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
// Insert at list item, with the default nesting level of zero.
body.appendListItem("Item 1");
// Append a second list item, with a nesting level of one, indented one inch.
// The two items will have different bullet glyphs.
body.appendListItem("Item 2").setNestingLevel(1).setIndentStart(72)
来自Enum GlyphType样本。