Kaggle 未在 R Markdown 中渲染项目符号点

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因此,我试图完成谷歌数据分析的案例研究,但是我的 R Markdown 脚本中的项目符号点不会呈现。我尝试在每个项目符号之前和之后添加新行,但没有帮助。


# Prepare

* Where is the data being stored?

    + The original data files are being stored in an AWS S3 Bucket at [this link](https://divvy-tripdata.s3.amazonaws.com/index.html). <br/> The downloaded datafiles are then uploaded to kaggle cloud storage.

* How is the data organized?

    + The provided data files are in the CSV file format and all 12 contain the same 13 column names.

* How was data integrity verified?

    + The document outling the case study provided a link to a secure AWS S3 Bucket.<br/> The link to AWS S3 is provided by google which by many is considered a credible source of data.

* Will this data help answer the business question being asked?

    + The data provided contains all the information needed to answer the business questions being asked

* Are there problems with the data?

    + There are a few problems:

        - started_at and ended_at date columns have dates in different formats

        - some of the latitude and longitude coordinates do not coincide with a start_station_name or an end_station_name

在 RStudio 中,R Markdown 脚本按照我的预期呈现,但在 kaggle 中我得到了这个

enter image description here



r-markdown kaggle

我对 R 和 Kaggle 完全是菜鸟!

我已将设置配置为 R 脚本,但我想要一个 R 笔记本!我将编辑器类型设置为 R Notebook,现在一切都按预期工作。

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