Excel - 数据结构

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个数据集,其中包含许多不同国家/地区在 12 个月内的社交媒体使用情况。

我希望重组数据,以便日期字段位于顶行,每个国家/地区的不同社交媒体类型在 B 列中垂直运行。


example data


excel pivot-table



Sub Unpivot()
  Dim cws As Worksheet, vs As Long, cr As Long, cc As Long, i As Long, k As Long
  Dim dr As Long, dc As Long, da As Long, ca As Variant, cb As Variant
  Dim left As Long, right As Long, up As Long, down As Long
  cr = ActiveCell.Row: cc = ActiveCell.Column
  left = Cells(cr - 1, cc).End(xlToLeft).Column: up = Cells(cr, cc - 1).End(xlUp).Row
  right = cc: While Not IsEmpty(Cells(up, right + 1)): right = right + 1: Wend
  down = cr: While Not IsEmpty(Cells(down + 1, left)): down = down + 1: Wend
  Set cws = ActiveSheet: ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add: i = 1
  cws.Range(cws.Cells(cr - 1, left), cws.Cells(cr - 1, cc - 1)).Copy
  [A1].PasteSpecial xlPasteValues: dr = cr - up: dc = cc - left + 1
  If dr > 1 Then
    cws.Range(cws.Cells(up, cc - 1), cws.Cells(cr - 2, cc - 1)).Copy
    Cells(1, dc).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True
  End If
  da = dc + dr:   Cells(1, da - 1) = "TBD":   Cells(1, da) = "Value"
  k = 2: vs = right - cc + 1: dr = dr + 1
  cb = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(cws.Cells(up, cc).Resize(cr - up, right - cc + 1))
  For i = cr To down
    ca = cws.Range(cws.Cells(i, left), cws.Cells(i, cc - 1))
    Cells(k, 1).Resize(vs, dc - 1) = ca: Cells(k, dc).Resize(vs, dr) = cb
    cws.Cells(i, cc).Resize(1, vs).Copy
    Cells(k, da).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True
    k = k + vs
End Sub


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Sub Unpivot2()
  Dim cws As Worksheet, vs As Long, cr As Long, cc As Long, i As Long, k As Long
  Dim dr As Long, dc As Long, da As Long, ca As Variant, cb As Variant
  Dim left As Long, right As Long, up As Long, down As Long
  cr = ActiveCell.Row: cc = ActiveCell.Column
  left = Selection.Column: up = Selection.Row
  right = Selection.Column + Selection.Columns.Count - 1
  down = Selection.Row + Selection.Rows.Count - 1
  Set cws = ActiveSheet: ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add: i = 1
  cws.Range(cws.Cells(cr - 1, left), cws.Cells(cr - 1, cc - 1)).Copy
  [A1].PasteSpecial xlPasteValues: dr = cr - up: dc = cc - left + 1
  If dr > 1 Then
    cws.Range(cws.Cells(up, cc - 1), cws.Cells(cr - 2, cc - 1)).Copy
    Cells(1, dc).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True
  End If
  da = dc + dr:   Cells(1, da - 1) = "TBD":   Cells(1, da) = "Value"
  k = 2: vs = right - cc + 1: dr = dr + 1
  cb = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(cws.Cells(up, cc).Resize(cr - up, right - cc + 1))
  For i = cr To down
    ca = cws.Range(cws.Cells(i, left), cws.Cells(i, cc - 1))
    Cells(k, 1).Resize(vs, dc - 1) = ca: Cells(k, dc).Resize(vs, dr) = cb
    cws.Cells(i, cc).Resize(1, vs).Copy
    Cells(k, da).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True
    k = k + vs
End Sub


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