const edit = wrapper.find("Button.update-button"); edit.simulate("click"); expect(wrapper.find("input")).toHaveLength(2);
/* Artefact Component displays just UI for the Artefact itself and it's information. */ import React, { Component } from "react"; import DeleteArtefact from "../DeleteArtefact"; import UpdateArtefact from "../UpdateArtefact"; import { Card, CardImg, CardTitle, CardBody, ButtonGroup, Button, CardFooter } from "reactstrap"; class Artefact extends Component { // Initialise State state = { updatemodal: false, deletemodal: false }; // Toggle function for toggling modal open/close toggleUpdate = () => { this.setState({ updatemodal: !this.state.updatemodal }); }; toggleDelete = () => { this.setState({ deletemodal: !this.state.deletemodal }); }; prepareUpdateState = () => { this.props.editUpdate(this.props.artefact); this.toggleUpdate(); }; render() { const { artefact, onChange, onUpdateClick, editUpdate, onDeleteClick } = this.props; return ( <Card> <CardImg src={artefact.img} alt={`Image for Artefact ${artefact.name}`} /> <CardBody> <CardTitle> <h6>{artefact.name}</h6> </CardTitle> </CardBody> <CardFooter> <ButtonGroup> <Button className="update-button" color="dark" onClick={this.prepareUpdateState} > Edit </Button> <Button className="delete-button" color="dark" onClick={this.toggleDelete} > Delete </Button> </ButtonGroup> <UpdateArtefact artefact={artefact} onChange={onChange} onUpdateClick={onUpdateClick} editUpdate={editUpdate} toggle={this.toggleUpdate} modal={this.state.updatemodal} /> <DeleteArtefact _id={artefact._id} onDeleteClick={onDeleteClick} toggle={this.toggleDelete} modal={this.state.deletemodal} /> </CardFooter> </Card> ); } } export default Artefact;
/* UpdateArtefact Component is a child Component of ArtefactGallery and creates a new Artefact by using functions onChange() and updateClick() and editUpdate() which are passed as props from ArtefactGallery and passes state back up and makes api calls using axios. */ import React, { Component } from "react"; import { Button, Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, Form, FormGroup, Label, Input } from "reactstrap"; class UpdateArtefact extends Component { // Passes state up to ArtefactGallery component and updates the artefact. onSubmit = e => { e.preventDefault(); this.props.onUpdateClick(this.props.artefact._id); this.props.toggle(); }; // Sets state in ArtefactGallery to the initial values of the artefact // to prepare for any edits to be made in the case that some fields have // no change, so that there are no null fields. prepareUpdateState = () => { this.props.editUpdate(this.props.artefact); this.props.toggle(); }; render() { const { artefact } = this.props; return ( <div style={{ marginLeft: "1rem" }}> <Modal isOpen={this.props.modal} toggle={this.props.toggle}> <ModalHeader toggle={this.props.toggle}> Edit Artefact </ModalHeader> <ModalBody> <Form onSubmit={this.onSubmit}> <FormGroup> <Label>Artefact</Label> <Input type="text" name="name" id="artefactName" defaultValue={artefact.name} onChange={this.props.onChange} /> <Label>Image</Label> <Input type="text" name="img" id="artefactImg" defaultValue={artefact.img} onChange={this.props.onChange} /> <Button className="modal-submit-button" color="dark" style={{ marginTop: "2rem" }} block > Submit </Button> </FormGroup> </Form> </ModalBody> </Modal> </div> ); } } export default UpdateArtefact;