为什么我会因为信号而导致命令失败:分段错误:11 错误

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我的代码也会定期变白。 这是我的代码。在我的项目中,我调用一个 API,它工作得很好,我将该 JSON 信息传递到数据库,然后视图控制器将使用数据存储中的该信息来填充集合视图。

import Foundation

class MovieDataBase
    static let sharedInstance = MovieDataBase()
    private init() {}
    //creating a singleton for the MovieDataStore
    var movies = [Movie]()
    //array to store all the movie objects from the json
    let movieSearchTerms = ["love", "fantasy", "romance", "mystery", "thriller", "musical", "family", "horror", "sci-fi"]
    func getMoviesWithCompletion(completion: () -> ()) {
        let randomNum = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(movieSearchTerms.count))
        OMDBAPIClient.getMovieResultsFromSearch(self.movieSearchTerms[Int(randomNum)]) { (arrayOfMovies) in
            for singleMovie in arrayOfMovies
                let neededTitle = singleMovie["title"] as? String
                let neededYear = singleMovie["year"] as? String
                let neededImbdID = singleMovie["imdbID"] as? String
                let neededType = singleMovie["type"] as? String
                let neededPosterURL = singleMovie["posterURL"] as? String
                guard let
                    unwrappedTitle = neededTitle,
                    unwrappedYear = neededType,
                    unwrappedImbdID = neededImbdID,
                    unwrappedType = neededType,
                    unwrappedPosterURL = neededPosterURL
                    else { print("AN ERROR OCCURRED HERE"); return }
                var movie = Movie.init(title: unwrappedTitle, year: singleMovie["year"], imdbID: singleMovie["imbdID"], type: singleMovie["type"], posterURL: singleMovie["posterURL"])

ios json datastore

它不起作用的原因是我从 JSON 中需要的信息拼写错误,因此它抛出了各种错误。下次明智的做法是查看 postman 中的 JSON 信息,并确保您编写的代码与您需要的 JSON 信息相匹配,否则您将遇到各种错误。

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