
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我想使用 Highcharts 在网页上显示依赖关系信息。我选择树形图,因为我认为它更适合我的需要。这是演示的链接https://www.highcharts.com/demo/highcharts/treegraph-chart

我自己无法克服的问题是,当有很多分支和叶子时,整个图表将被挤压以在一个视图中显示所有内容。下面的代码的 jsfiddle 可在上面的链接中找到。

Highcharts.chart('container', {
    chart: {
        spacingBottom: 30,
        marginRight: 120,
        height: 1200,
        scrollablePlotArea: {
            minWidth: 1500, // Set minimum width for horizontal scrolling
            minHeight: 1200 // Set minimum height for vertical scrolling
    title: {
        text: 'Phylogenetic language tree'
    series: [
            type: 'treegraph',
            keys: ['parent', 'id', 'level', 'color'], // Add color to keys
            clip: false,
            data: [
                [undefined, 'Proto Indo-European'],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Balto-Slavic'],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Germanic'],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Celtic'],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Italic'],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Hellenic'],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Anatolian'],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Indo-Iranian'],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Tocharian'],
                ['Indo-Iranian', 'Dardic'],
                ['Indo-Iranian', 'Indic'],
                ['Indo-Iranian', 'Iranian'],
                ['Iranian', 'Old Persian'],
                ['Old Persian', 'Middle Persian'],
                ['Indic', 'Sanskrit'],
                ['Italic', 'Osco-Umbrian'],
                ['Italic', 'Latino-Faliscan'],
                ['Latino-Faliscan', 'Latin'],
                ['Celtic', 'Brythonic'],
                ['Celtic', 'Goidelic'],
                ['Germanic', 'North Germanic'],
                ['Germanic', 'West Germanic'],
                ['Germanic', 'East Germanic'],
                ['North Germanic', 'Old Norse'],
                ['North Germanic', 'Old Swedish'],
                ['North Germanic', 'Old Danish'],
                ['West Germanic', 'Old English'],
                ['West Germanic', 'Old Frisian'],
                ['West Germanic', 'Old Dutch'],
                ['West Germanic', 'Old Low German'],
                ['West Germanic', 'Old High German'],
                ['Old Norse', 'Old Icelandic'],
                ['Old Norse', 'Old Norwegian'],
                ['Old Swedish', 'Middle Swedish'],
                ['Old Danish', 'Middle Danish'],
                ['Old English', 'Middle English'],
                ['Old Dutch', 'Middle Dutch'],
                ['Old Low German', 'Middle Low German'],
                ['Old High German', 'Middle High German'],
                ['Balto-Slavic', 'Baltic'],
                ['Balto-Slavic', 'Slavic'],
                ['Slavic', 'East Slavic'],
                ['Slavic', 'West Slavic'],
                ['Slavic', 'South Slavic'],
                ['Polish', 'POLISH2'],
                ['PPPPPPPPP1', 'QQQQQQQQQ'],
                // Leaves:
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Phrygian', 6],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Armenian', 6],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Albanian', 6],
                ['Proto Indo-European', 'Thracian', 6],
                ['Tocharian', 'Tocharian A', 6],
                ['Tocharian', 'Tocharian B', 6],
                ['Anatolian', 'Hittite', 6],
                ['Anatolian', 'Palaic', 6],
                ['Anatolian', 'Luwic', 6],
                ['Anatolian', 'Lydian', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Balochi', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Pashto', 6],
                ['Iranian', 'Sogdian', 6],
                ['Old Persian', 'Pahlavi', 6],
                ['Middle Persian', 'Persian', 6],
                ['Hellenic', 'Greek', 6],
                ['Dardic', 'Dard', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Sindhi', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Romani', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Urdu', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Hindi', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Bihari', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Assamese', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Bengali', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Marathi', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Gujarati', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Punjabi', 6],
                ['Sanskrit', 'Sinhalese', 6],
                ['Osco-Umbrian', 'Umbrian', 6],
                ['Osco-Umbrian', 'Oscan', 6],
                ['Latino-Faliscan', 'Faliscan', 6],
                ['Latin', 'Portugese', 6],
                ['Latin', 'Spanish', 6],
                ['Latin', 'French', 6],
                ['Latin', 'Romanian', 6],
                ['Latin', 'Italian', 6],
                ['Latin', 'Catalan', 6],
                ['Latin', 'Franco-Provençal', 6],
                ['Latin', 'Rhaeto-Romance', 6],
                ['Brythonic', 'Welsh', 6],
                ['Brythonic', 'Breton', 6],
                ['Brythonic', 'Cornish', 6],
                ['Brythonic', 'Cuymbric', 6],
                ['Goidelic', 'Modern Irish', 6],
                ['Goidelic', 'Scottish Gaelic', 6],
                ['Goidelic', 'Manx', 6],
                ['East Germanic', 'Gothic', 6],
                ['Middle Low German', 'Low German', 6],
                ['Middle High German', '(High) German', 6],
                ['Middle High German', 'Yiddish', 6],
                ['Middle English', 'English', 6],
                ['Middle Dutch', 'Hollandic', 6],
                ['Middle Dutch', 'Flemish', 6],
                ['Middle Dutch', 'Dutch', 6],
                ['Middle Dutch', 'Limburgish', 6],
                ['Middle Dutch', 'Brabantian', 6],
                ['Middle Dutch', 'Rhinelandic', 6],
                ['Old Frisian', 'Frisian', 6],
                ['Middle Danish', 'Danish', 6],
                ['Middle Swedish', 'Swedish', 6],
                ['Old Norwegian', 'Norwegian', 6],
                ['Old Norse', 'Faroese', 6],
                ['Old Icelandic', 'Icelandic', 6],
                ['Baltic', 'Old Prussian', 6],
                ['Baltic', 'Lithuanian', 6],
                ['Baltic', 'Latvian', 6],
                ['West Slavic', 'Polish', 6],
                ['POLISH2', 'PPPPPPPPP', 6],
                ['POLISH2', 'PPPPPPPPP', 6],
                ['POLISH2', 'PPPPPPPPP', 6],
                ['POLISH2', 'PPPPPPPPP1', 6],
                ['POLISH2', 'PPPPPPPPP', 6],
                ['POLISH2', 'PPPPPPPPP', 6],
                ['POLISH2', 'PPPPPPPPP', 6],
                ['POLISH2', 'PPPPPPPPP', 6],
                ['QQQQQQQQQ', '_=========_', 6],
                ['West Slavic', 'Slovak', 6],
                ['West Slavic', 'Czech', 6],
                ['West Slavic', 'Wendish', 6],
                ['East Slavic', 'Bulgarian', 6],
                ['East Slavic', 'Old Church Slavonic', 6],
                ['East Slavic', 'Macedonian', 6],
                ['East Slavic', 'Serbo-Croatian', 6],
                ['East Slavic', 'Slovene', 6],
                ['South Slavic', 'Russian', 6],
                ['South Slavic', 'Ukrainian', 6],
                ['South Slavic', 'Belarusian', 6],
                ['South Slavic', 'Rusyn', 6]
            marker: {
                symbol: 'circle',
                radius: 6,
                fillColor: '#ffffff',
                lineWidth: 3
            dataLabels: {
                align: 'left',
                pointFormat: '{point.id}',
                style: {
                    color: '#000000',
                    textOutline: '3px #ffffff',
                    whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
                x: 24,
                crop: false,
                overflow: 'none'
            levels: [
                    level: 1,
                    levelIsConstant: false,
                    colorByPoint: true
                    level: 2,
                    colorVariation: {
                        key: 'brightness',
                        to: -0.5
                    level: 3,
                    colorVariation: {
                        key: 'brightness',
                        to: 0.5
                    level: 6,
                    dataLabels: {
                        x: 10
                    marker: {
                        radius: 4

document.getElementById('container').style.overflow = 'auto';
document.getElementById('container').style.width = '100%';
document.getElementById('container').style.height = '800px';


我已经被这个问题困扰了两天了,看来我自己无法弄清楚。我将不胜感激任何帮助。我不是 Web 开发人员或 UI 设计师,所以请原谅我可能错过的任何明显的事情。


javascript html css highcharts


overflow: auto
使容器的容器 (
overflow: auto
) 具有固定尺寸。只需记住将内部容器的大小设置得足够大(在 CSS 和 JS 中)。请参阅下面的示例:

Highcharts.chart('container', {
  chart: {
    spacingBottom: 30,
    marginRight: 120,
    height: 2400,
    width: 2000
  title: {
    text: 'Phylogenetic language tree'
  series: [{
    type: 'treegraph',
    keys: ['parent', 'id', 'level'],
    clip: false,
    data: [
      [undefined, 'Proto Indo-European'],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Balto-Slavic'],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Germanic'],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Celtic'],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Italic'],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Hellenic'],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Anatolian'],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Indo-Iranian'],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Tocharian'],
      ['Indo-Iranian', 'Dardic'],
      ['Indo-Iranian', 'Indic'],
      ['Indo-Iranian', 'Iranian'],
      ['Iranian', 'Old Persian'],
      ['Old Persian', 'Middle Persian'],
      ['Indic', 'Sanskrit'],
      ['Italic', 'Osco-Umbrian'],
      ['Italic', 'Latino-Faliscan'],
      ['Latino-Faliscan', 'Latin'],
      ['Celtic', 'Brythonic'],
      ['Celtic', 'Goidelic'],
      ['Germanic', 'North Germanic'],
      ['Germanic', 'West Germanic'],
      ['Germanic', 'East Germanic'],
      ['North Germanic', 'Old Norse'],
      ['North Germanic', 'Old Swedish'],
      ['North Germanic', 'Old Danish'],
      ['West Germanic', 'Old English'],
      ['West Germanic', 'Old Frisian'],
      ['West Germanic', 'Old Dutch'],
      ['West Germanic', 'Old Low German'],
      ['West Germanic', 'Old High German'],
      ['Old Norse', 'Old Icelandic'],
      ['Old Norse', 'Old Norwegian'],
      ['Old Swedish', 'Middle Swedish'],
      ['Old Danish', 'Middle Danish'],
      ['Old English', 'Middle English'],
      ['Old Dutch', 'Middle Dutch'],
      ['Old Low German', 'Middle Low German'],
      ['Old High German', 'Middle High German'],
      ['Balto-Slavic', 'Baltic'],
      ['Balto-Slavic', 'Slavic'],
      ['Slavic', 'East Slavic'],
      ['Slavic', 'West Slavic'],
      ['Slavic', 'South Slavic'],
      // Leaves:
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Phrygian', 6],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Armenian', 6],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Albanian', 6],
      ['Proto Indo-European', 'Thracian', 6],
      ['Tocharian', 'Tocharian A', 6],
      ['Tocharian', 'Tocharian B', 6],
      ['Anatolian', 'Hittite', 6],
      ['Anatolian', 'Palaic', 6],
      ['Anatolian', 'Luwic', 6],
      ['Anatolian', 'Lydian', 6],
      ['Iranian', 'Balochi', 6],
      ['Iranian', 'Kurdish', 6],
      ['Iranian', 'Pashto', 6],
      ['Iranian', 'Sogdian', 6],
      ['Old Persian', 'Pahlavi', 6],
      ['Middle Persian', 'Persian', 6],
      ['Hellenic', 'Greek', 6],
      ['Dardic', 'Dard', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Sindhi', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Romani', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Urdu', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Hindi', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Bihari', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Assamese', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Bengali', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Marathi', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Gujarati', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Punjabi', 6],
      ['Sanskrit', 'Sinhalese', 6],
      ['Osco-Umbrian', 'Umbrian', 6],
      ['Osco-Umbrian', 'Oscan', 6],
      ['Latino-Faliscan', 'Faliscan', 6],
      ['Latin', 'Portugese', 6],
      ['Latin', 'Spanish', 6],
      ['Latin', 'French', 6],
      ['Latin', 'Romanian', 6],
      ['Latin', 'Italian', 6],
      ['Latin', 'Catalan', 6],
      ['Latin', 'Franco-Provençal', 6],
      ['Latin', 'Rhaeto-Romance', 6],
      ['Brythonic', 'Welsh', 6],
      ['Brythonic', 'Breton', 6],
      ['Brythonic', 'Cornish', 6],
      ['Brythonic', 'Cuymbric', 6],
      ['Goidelic', 'Modern Irish', 6],
      ['Goidelic', 'Scottish Gaelic', 6],
      ['Goidelic', 'Manx', 6],
      ['East Germanic', 'Gothic', 6],
      ['Middle Low German', 'Low German', 6],
      ['Middle High German', '(High) German', 6],
      ['Middle High German', 'Yiddish', 6],
      ['Middle English', 'English', 6],
      ['Middle Dutch', 'Hollandic', 6],
      ['Middle Dutch', 'Flemish', 6],
      ['Middle Dutch', 'Dutch', 6],
      ['Middle Dutch', 'Limburgish', 6],
      ['Middle Dutch', 'Brabantian', 6],
      ['Middle Dutch', 'Rhinelandic', 6],
      ['Old Frisian', 'Frisian', 6],
      ['Middle Danish', 'Danish', 6],
      ['Middle Swedish', 'Swedish', 6],
      ['Old Norwegian', 'Norwegian', 6],
      ['Old Norse', 'Faroese', 6],
      ['Old Icelandic', 'Icelandic', 6],
      ['Baltic', 'Old Prussian', 6],
      ['Baltic', 'Lithuanian', 6],
      ['Baltic', 'Latvian', 6],
      ['West Slavic', 'Polish', 6],
      ['West Slavic', 'Slovak', 6],
      ['West Slavic', 'Czech', 6],
      ['West Slavic', 'Wendish', 6],
      ['East Slavic', 'Bulgarian', 6],
      ['East Slavic', 'Old Church Slavonic', 6],
      ['East Slavic', 'Macedonian', 6],
      ['East Slavic', 'Serbo-Croatian', 6],
      ['East Slavic', 'Slovene', 6],
      ['South Slavic', 'Russian', 6],
      ['South Slavic', 'Ukrainian', 6],
      ['South Slavic', 'Belarusian', 6],
      ['South Slavic', 'Rusyn', 6]
    marker: {
      symbol: 'circle',
      radius: 6,
      fillColor: '#ffffff',
      lineWidth: 3
    dataLabels: {
      align: 'left',
      pointFormat: '{point.id}',
      style: {
        color: '#000000',
        textOutline: '3px #ffffff',
        whiteSpace: 'nowrap'
      x: 24,
      crop: false,
      overflow: 'none'
    levels: [{
        level: 1,
        levelIsConstant: false
        level: 2,
        colorByPoint: true
        level: 3,
        colorVariation: {
          key: 'brightness',
          to: -0.5
        level: 4,
        colorVariation: {
          key: 'brightness',
          to: 0.5
        level: 6,
        dataLabels: {
          x: 10
        marker: {
          radius: 4
.highcharts-figure {
  margin: 0 auto;
  max-width: 900px;
  min-width: 360px;

.highcharts-figure {
  height: 180px;
  width: 100%;
  overflow: auto;
  border: 1px solid red;

#container {
  width: 2000px;
  height: 2400px;
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/treemap.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/treegraph.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"></script>
<script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/accessibility.js"></script>

<figure class="highcharts-figure">
  <div id="container"></div>
  <p class="highcharts-description">
    The treegraph series can be used to render phylogenetic trees, a typical visualization of genetics and related tree structures.

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