`The viewer could not process an event. Error in File MTG9008:
Error in formula Section_Back_Color:
'// This conditional formatting formula must return one of the following Color Constants:
This field name is not known.
Details: errorKind []
---- Error code:0 [CRWEB00000119]`
`// This conditional formatting formula must return one of the following Color Constants:
// Color (red, green, blue)
// crBlack
// crMaroon
// crGreen
// crOlive
// crNavy
// crPurple
// crTeal
// crSilver
// crRed
// crLime
// crYellow
// crBlue
// crFuchsia
// crAqua
// crWhite
// crNoColor
if recordnumber mod 2 = 0 then color(229, 229, 229) else crNoColor`
去掉 crNoColor` 末尾的 ' 字符 所以表达应该是:
if recordnumber mod 2 = 0 then color(229, 229, 229) else crNoColor