我是 Pinescript 新手,正在尝试编写指标。
OPSCond := barstate.isconfirmed and close > low[1] and low < low[1] and close > low
isOPS := OPSCond ? true : false
分配 OPS 参数,即 OPS 值、OPSIndex(柱索引)和 OPSTime(当 isOPS 为 true 时)
OPS := isOPS ? low[1] : nz(OPS[1])
OPSIndex := isOPS ? bar_index[1] : nz(OPSIndex[1])
OPSTime := isOPS ? timeline() : nz(OPSTime[1])
然而,isOPS 值在每个柱上都显示为 false,即使它应该为 true。请参阅附图。
当图表在 OPS 级别正确显示 OPS 线(绿线)时,我需要脚本将 isOPS 设置为 true,以便可以进一步开发脚本。
indicator("OPS only",max_bars_back = 500, overlay = true)
//Function region
txt1 = str.tostring(year(time),"#")
txt2 = month(time)>9?str.tostring(month(time),"#"):"0"+ str.tostring(month(time),"#")
txt3 = dayofmonth(time)>9?str.tostring(dayofmonth(time),"#"):"0"+ str.tostring(dayofmonth(time),"#")
txt4 = str.tostring(hour(time)*100+minute(time),"#")
timeline1 = txt1 + txt2 + txt3 + txt4
timeline = math.round(str.tonumber(timeline1))
//Input Region
var color ColorOPS = #08803a
var bool long = true
//Input Region Ends
// Variable Declarations
var bool OPSCond = false, OPSCond := na(OPSCond[1])
var bool isOPS = false, isOPS :=nz(isOPS[1])
var OPSLine = line.new(na,na,na,na,color=ColorOPS,style = line.style_solid,width=2)
var float OPS = na, OPS := nz(OPS[1])
var label OPSLabel = label.new(na,na,text = "",xloc=xloc.bar_index, yloc=yloc.belowbar,color=color.new(color.black,100),textcolor = ColorOPS)
var int OPSIndex = na, OPSIndex := nz(OPSIndex[1])
var int OPSTime = na, OPSTime := nz(OPSTime[1])
//OPS Region Starts
OPSCond := barstate.isconfirmed and close > low[1] and low < low[1] and close > low
isOPS := OPSCond ? true : false
OPS := isOPS ? low[1] : nz(OPS[1])
OPSIndex := isOPS ? bar_index[1] : nz(OPSIndex[1])
OPSTime := isOPS ? timeline() : nz(OPSTime[1])
// If any bar closes below OPS level then invalidate OPS
if barstate.isconfirmed and close < OPS
isOPS := false
OPS := na
OPSIndex := na
OPSTime := na
// Delete OPSLabel - inserted on 18.10.23
// Redraw OPSLine
if isOPS
// Redraw OPSLabel - inserted on 18.10.23
txt = "OPS\n" + str.tostring(OPS,"0.00")
plotshape(isOPS,title="OPS",style = shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar)
//OPS Region ends
// All Data Table Printing for debugging
var table AllTable = table.new(position.top_right, 2, 23, bgcolor=color.white, frame_color=color.white, frame_width=2, border_width=2)
//Initialise the table
txt000 = isOPS?"isOPS:True":not(isOPS)?"isOPS:false":"na"
table.cell(AllTable, 0, 0, text=txt000, bgcolor=color.silver, text_color=color.navy, text_size=size.small)
txt001 = "OPS:" + str.tostring(OPS,'#')
table.cell(AllTable, 0, 1, text=txt001, bgcolor=color.silver, text_color=color.navy, text_size=size.small)
txt002 = "OPSIndex:" + str.tostring(OPSIndex,'#')
table.cell(AllTable, 0, 2, text=txt002, bgcolor=color.silver, text_color=color.navy, text_size=size.small)
txt003 = "OPSt:" + str.tostring(OPSTime,'#')
table.cell(AllTable, 0, 3, text=txt003, bgcolor=color.silver, text_color=color.navy, text_size=size.small)
为了回应 Gustavo 的评论,我添加了 2 张照片来展示我想说的内容。
isOPS = false
isOPS 绘制正确,但其值在表中显示为 false
indicator("OPS only",max_bars_back = 500, overlay = true)
//Function region
txt1 = str.tostring(year(time),"#")
txt2 = month(time)>9?str.tostring(month(time),"#"):"0"+ str.tostring(month(time),"#")
txt3 = dayofmonth(time)>9?str.tostring(dayofmonth(time),"#"):"0"+ str.tostring(dayofmonth(time),"#")
txt4 = str.tostring(hour(time)*100+minute(time),"#")
timeline1 = txt1 + txt2 + txt3 + txt4
timeline = math.round(str.tonumber(timeline1))
//Input Region
var color ColorOPS = #08803a
var bool long = true
//Input Region Ends
// Variable Declarations
var bool OPSCond = false, OPSCond := na(OPSCond[1])
var bool isOPS = false, isOPS :=nz(isOPS[1])
var line OPSLine = line.new(na,na,na,na,color=ColorOPS,style = line.style_solid,width=2)
var float OPS = na, OPS := nz(OPS[1])
var label OPSLabel = label.new(na,na,text = "",xloc=xloc.bar_index, yloc=yloc.belowbar,color=color.new(color.black,100),textcolor = ColorOPS)
var int OPSIndex = na, OPSIndex := nz(OPSIndex[1])
var int OPSTime = na, OPSTime := nz(OPSTime[1])
var bool OPSFresh = false
var int OPSCount = 0 // Counts No of OPS Formed. Is reset to 0 when an OPS is ivalidated. If is greater than 0 new OPS is not alllowed.
var bool OPSCondFirst = false, OPSCondFirst := na(OPSCondFirst[1])
var bool isOPSFirst = false, isOPSFirst :=nz(isOPSFirst[1])
var float OPSFirst = na, OPSFirst := nz(OPSFirst[1])
var int OPSIndexFirst = na, OPSIndexFirst := nz(OPSIndexFirst[1])
var int OPSTimeFirst = na, OPSTimeFirst := nz(OPSTimeFirst[1])
var bool OPSFreshFirst = false
//New Session
newDay = bool(ta.change(dayofweek))
if newDay
OPSCond := false
isOPS := false
OPSLine := line.new(na,na,na,na,color=ColorOPS,style = line.style_solid,width=2)
OPS := na
OPSLabel := label.new(na,na,text = "",xloc=xloc.bar_index, yloc=yloc.belowbar,color=color.new(color.black,100),textcolor = ColorOPS)
OPSIndex := na
OPSTime := na
OPSFresh := false
OPSCount := 0
alert("First bar", freq = alert.freq_all)
//OPS Region Starts
if OPSCount == 0
isOPS := barstate.isconfirmed and close > low[1] and low < low[1] and close > low // and not(low>OPS) //and not(close>OPS[1])
if isOPS
OPS := low[1]
OPSCount := OPSCount + 1
OPSIndex := bar_index[1]
OPSTime := timeline()
// If any bar closes below OPS level then OPS invalidated
if barstate.isconfirmed and close < OPS
isOPS := false
OPS := na
OPSIndex := na
OPSTime := na
OPSCount := 0
// Delete OPSLabel - inserted on 18.10.23
// Redraw OPSLine
if isOPS
// Redraw OPSLabel - inserted on 18.10.23
txt = "OPS\n" + str.tostring(OPS,"0.00")
plotshape(isOPS and ta.change(OPSCount)==1,title="OPS",style = shape.arrowup,location=location.belowbar)
//OPS Region ends