假设你有两个数组。数组中的每个元素包含价格和时间。每个数组都按时间升序排序。例如,array1 = [(10, 1), (5, 2), (7, 4)] 表示从时间 = 1 到 2 的价格 = 10,从时间 = 2 到 4 的价格 = 5,从时间 = 2 到 4 的价格 = 7 = 4. 计算绝对价格差为 <= 10.
的 2 个数组的总重叠时间
array1 = [(10, 1), (5, 2), (7, 4)]
array2 = [(19, 0), (6, 2), (23, 4)]
这里的重叠时间是3。从time=1到time=4(不包含),差值是<= 10. For the time interval [0, 1), the price difference is undefined and does not contribute to the overlap time. For the interval [1, 2), the price difference is < 10 and ditto for [2, 4). So they have a price diff < 10 for the interval [1, 4), hence the answer is 3.
(如果将其绘制在 x-y 图上并查看 2 条线的 y 值何时存在差异,则更容易可视化 <= 10 for the same x value).
一旦实现了遍历,您就可以遍历商品,直到获得两个来源的价格,并在遍历过程中比较差异。这是 Python 中的实现:
# Merge two sorted price-evolution lists in sorted order
def merged(list1, list2):
iters = (iter(list1), iter(list2))
val = [next(iters[0], None), next(iters[1], None)]
while val[0] is not None or val[1] is not None:
i = val[0] is None or val[1] is not None and val[0][1] > val[1][1]
yield i, val[i]
val[i] = next(iters[i], None)
def overlap_time(list1, list2, maxdiff):
prices = {} # To keep track of last price per source-list
result = 0
# Iterate the price change events in chronological order
for source, (price, time) in merged(list1, list2):
# Do we have prices from both source lists and are they close?
if len(prices) == 2 and abs(prices[0] - prices[1]) <= maxdiff:
result += time - prevtime
prices[source] = price
prevtime = time
return result
list1 = [(10, 1), (5, 2), (7, 4)]
list2 = [(19, 0), (6, 2), (8, 4), (28, 8)]
print(overlap_time(list1, list2, 10)) # 3