验证 iFrame 是否启动了具有特定标题的弹出窗口以进行 Playwright 测试

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我是自动化测试和使用剧作家的新手。当我从弹出对话框中单击打印按钮时,我试图验证这一点。正确的报告启动。我所尝试的一切都给了我一个假阳性结果。下面是我的代码、html 代码和 iframe 代码。任何帮助将不胜感激。我已经看了三天了。

test('Print FI report within the report', async () => {
        // Create new report
        await homePage.addNewFieldInterviewReport();

        // Enter New Location and Contact Date/Time
        await report.openGeneralSection();
        streetAddress = await generalSection.fillInUniqueOccurredLocation();
        contactDate = await generalSection.pickTodayContactDate();
        contactTime = await generalSection.pickNowContactTime();
        await generalSection.page.waitForTimeout(twoSecTimeout);

        //Click on the print icon within the report
        await report.click(report.CommonSelectors.reportPrint);

        //Select report type and test the modal
        expect(await report.isElementVisible(report.CommonSelectors.printModal.header)).toBe(true);
        await report.click(report.CommonSelectors.printModal.cancelBtn);
        await report.click(report.CommonSelectors.reportPrint);
        expect(await report.isElementVisible(report.CommonSelectors.printModal.header)).toBe(true);
        await report.click(report.CommonSelectors.printModal.reportType);
        await report.click(report.BaseSelectors.dropDown.firstOption);
        await report.click(report.CommonSelectors.printModal.nextBtn);
        //wait for the iframe to load
        await page.waitForTimeout(actionTimeout * 2);
        expect(page.frameLocator('iframe').getByTitle('Field Interview Detail'));
        //Closing the browser page to close the iframe
        await page.close();


<iframe src="blob:https://reportwriting-client.dev.publicsafety.tylerapp.com/700437f7-727c-4e7c-bb20-487e7cc80cb6" title="Field Interview Detail" style="display: none;"></iframe>

检查 iframe 弹出窗口(它基本上就像浏览器打印预览):

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    expect(page.frameLocator('iframe').getByTitle('Field Interview Detail')); - this line is getting a false positive. If I change out the value in the getByTitle to something I should not expect. It still is passing. That is how I figured out that I'm getting a false positive. 



javascript iframe playwright playwright-test
page.frameLocator('iframe').getByTitle('Field Interview Detail')


时您已经在 iFrame 中并且您的标题没有空格。

<html dir="ltr" lang="en" class="focus-outline-visible"><head>

此外,您期望的还没有完成 - 所以不清楚您要做什么。

expect(page.frameLocator('iframe').getByTitle('Field Interview Detail'));


  1. 检查页面上是否有多个 iframe,以确保获得正确的 iframe。
await expect(page.locator('iframe')).toHaveCount(1);
  1. 尝试通过标题查找您的 iframe
const frame = page.frame("iframe[title='Field Interview Detail']");
await expect(frame.locator("body")).toBeVisible();
  1. 不要使用简单的资产,因为它们不会自动重试。
expect(await report.isElementVisible(report.CommonSelectors.printModal.header)).toBe(true)


await expect(report.CommonSelectors.printModal.header).toBeVisible();
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