
问题描述 投票:-1回答:1


(Select Top 1 T1.Rate FROM tblERates as T1 WHERE T1.EMPID = tblPayroll.EMPID And T1.EffectiveDate <= tblPayroll.WorkDay ORDER BY T1.EMPID asc, T1.EffectiveDate desc)

现在该项目正在增长,我需要能够在不同的表单/报表上返回Employee Rate,因此我想将此sql转换为Public Function。


Public Function fncERate(EID As Integer, WD As Date) As Double

    Dim intERate As Double
    Dim intWD As String

    intWD = "#" & Format(WD, "m/d/yyyy") & "#"

    intERate = "SELECT TOP 1 Rate" _
                & "FROM tblERates" _
                & "WHERE EMPID = EID And EffectiveDate <= intWD" _
                & "ORDER BY EMPID asc;"
    fncERate = intERate

End Function


vba ms-access access-vba


Public Function fncERate(EID As Integer, WD As Date) As Double

    Dim intERate As String
    Dim intWD As String
    Dim intEID As Integer

    intWD = "#" & Format(WD, "m/d/yyyy") & "#"

    intERate = "SELECT TOP 1 [Rate]" & _
                " FROM tblERates" & _
                " WHERE [EMPID] = " & EID & " And [EffectiveDate] <= " & intWD & " " & _
                " ORDER BY [EMPID] asc;"

    With CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(intERate)
        If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
            fncERate = .Fields(0)
        End If
    End With

End Function
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