我是 C++ 新手,我在“.h”文件中发现了一些我无法真正理解的与虚拟相关的代码。有一个名为 NetDeviceContainer 的类,在以下类 WifiHelper 中使用。 WifiHelper中的以下两个方法让我困惑:
(1) NetDeviceContainer 虚拟安装 (......) const;
(2)虚拟NetDeviceContainer Install (......)const;
class WifiHelper
* \param phy the PHY helper to create PHY objects
* \param mac the MAC helper to create MAC objects
* \param first lower bound on the set of nodes on which a wifi device must be created
* \param last upper bound on the set of nodes on which a wifi device must be created
* \returns a device container which contains all the devices created by this method.
NetDeviceContainer virtual Install(const WifiPhyHelper& phy,
const WifiMacHelper& mac,
NodeContainer::Iterator first,
NodeContainer::Iterator last) const;
* \param phy the PHY helper to create PHY objects
* \param mac the MAC helper to create MAC objects
* \param c the set of nodes on which a wifi device must be created
* \returns a device container which contains all the devices created by this method.
virtual NetDeviceContainer Install(const WifiPhyHelper& phy,
const WifiMacHelper& mac,
NodeContainer c) const;
的顺序和返回类型并不重要。它的两个重载,都返回 NetDeviceContainer
virtual NetDeviceContainer Install(const WifiPhyHelper& phy,
const WifiMacHelper& mac,
NodeContainer c) const {
return Install(phy,mac,c.begin(),c.end());