
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在使用 Google Apps 脚本,并且正在尝试编写一个程序来合并我的每月笔记。我隐藏了 i-t 列,它们按时间顺序标记为“2024 年 1 月”-“2024 年 12 月”。我在 H 列中配置了一个下拉列表,显示“2024 年 1 月”-“2024 年 12 月”可供选择。

这个想法是隐藏 12 个月的笔记(在纸上看起来很糟糕),并让我取消隐藏我选择的单个列。下拉列表中的“2024 年 1 月”,应取消隐藏名为“2024 年 1 月”的列。



function onEdit(e) {
  // Ensure the function only runs during actual edits
  if (!e) return;  // If no event object (e), stop the execution to avoid errors

  var sheet = e.source.getActiveSheet();
  // Ensure the edit was made in column H (8th column) and after the header row
  if (e.range.getColumn() == 8 && e.range.getRow() > 1) {
    var selectedMonth = e.range.getValue(); // Get the value of the selected month

    // Define the mapping of months to columns
    var monthMapping = {
      "January 2024": 9,   // Column I
      "February 2024": 10, // Column J
      "March 2024": 11,    // Column K
      "April 2024": 12,    // Column L
      "May 2024": 13,      // Column M
      "June 2024": 14,     // Column N
      "July 2024": 15,     // Column O
      "August 2024": 16,   // Column P
      "September 2024": 17,// Column Q
      "October 2024": 18,  // Column R
      "November 2024": 19, // Column S
      "December 2024": 20  // Column T

    // Notes columns from I to T (9 to 20)
    var notesColumnStart = 9;
    var notesEndColumn = 20;

    // Unhide all columns from I to T
    sheet.showColumns(notesColumnStart, notesEndColumn - notesColumnStart + 1);
    // Check if the selected month exists in the mapping
    if (selectedMonth in monthMapping) {
      var selectedColumn = monthMapping[selectedMonth]; // Get the corresponding column number
      // Check if the selected column is already visible
      var isColumnVisible = !sheet.isColumnHiddenByUser(selectedColumn);
      if (isColumnVisible) {
        // If the column is visible, re-hide it (toggle behavior)
        Logger.log("Hiding column: " + selectedColumn);
      } else {
        // If the column is hidden, show it and hide all others
        Logger.log("Showing column: " + selectedColumn);
        for (var col = notesColumnStart; col <= notesEndColumn; col++) {
          if (col !== selectedColumn) {
            sheet.hideColumns(col);  // Hide the column if it is not the selected month
        sheet.showColumns(selectedColumn); // Make sure the selected column is shown
    } else {
      // If the selected month isn't in the mapping, log the issue
      Logger.log("Month not found in the mapping: " + selectedMonth);
javascript google-sheets google-apps-script triggers

OnEdit() 隐藏和显示列



function onEdit(e) {

  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getActiveSheet();
  // Define the mapping of months to columns
  var monthMapping = [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]

  // Notes columns from I to T (9 to 20)
  var notesColumnStart = 9;
  var notesEndColumn = 20;

  // Hide all columns from I to T
  sheet.hideColumns(notesColumnStart, notesEndColumn - notesColumnStart + 1);
  // Trigger Event
  if (e.range.getColumn() == 8 && e.range.getRow() == 1) {
    const date = e.range.getValue().getMonth();
    // console.log();


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