我正在将 git 存储库从 Azure DevOps 移动到 GitHub。 计划是从 Azure
git clone mirror
将 URL 重定向到 GitHub,然后推送到那里。目前为止没问题。
。这使得 GitHub 拒绝推送。
在离开 Azure 之前,我可以在所有引用存储库上遍历该子模块的提交,并在引用存储库和子模块存储库上应用相同的标签吗?
非常欢迎实现相同目标的其他方法(迁移到具有完整历史记录的 GitHub)。
$mainrepo = "repo-name"
$subrepo = "subrepo-name"
$subPath = "path-to-submodule"
$baseTag = "$mainrepo/$subrepo"
# Get the list of commits from git rev-list
$commits = git rev-list HEAD --oneline $subPath
# Reverse the order of commits correctly
$reversedCommits = @($commits)
$counter = 0
# Iterate over each commit entry
foreach ($commit in $reversedCommits) {
# Split by the first space
$splitText = $commit -split ' ', 2
# The first part is the commit SHA
$commitSha = $splitText[0]
$counter += 1
$tag = "$baseTag/$counter"
# Output the commit SHA and counter
Write-Output "$commitSha $tag $($splitText[1])"
git checkout $commitSha
# Check if the tag already exists in the main repository
if (-not (git tag --list $tag)) {
git tag $tag
} else {
Write-Output "Tag $tag already exists in main repository, skipping."
git submodule update $subPath
Push-Location $subPath
# Check if the tag already exists in the submodule
if (-not (git tag --list $tag)) {
git tag $tag
} else {
Write-Output "Tag $tag already exists in submodule, skipping."