
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

在Access 2016年,我试图计算出加权移动平均预测与结果更新我的预测表。



Sub WMAForecast( _
                    lngCompanyID As Long, _
                    lngItemID As Long, _
                    dtmStartDate As Date, _
                    dtmEndDate As Date, _
                    intPeriods As Integer)                    

    ' Object related declarations ->
    Dim objRs As ADODB.Recordset
    Dim objDb1 As clADO
    Dim objDb2 As clADO
    Dim objEh As clError
    Dim strSQL1 As String: strSQL1 = vbNullString
    Dim strSQL2 As String: strSQL2 = vbNullString

    '// Generics variables ->
    Dim lngRecords As Long: lngRecords = 0
    Dim lngDetailsCount: lngDetailsCount = 0
    Dim lngDetailRecords: lngDetailRecords = 0
    Dim dblReturn As Double: dblReturn = 0
    Dim dblTempSum As Double: dblTempSum = 0
    Dim dblWeightSum As Double: dblWeightSum = 0

    '// Loop counters ->
    Dim i As Long: i = 0
    Dim j As Long: j = 0
    Dim k As Long: k = 0

    '// Calculate the sum of weights ->
    dblWeightSum = intPeriods * (intPeriods + 1) / 2

    '// Declare an array to store the weights ->
    Dim arrWeights As Variant
    ReDim arrWeights(1 To intPeriods)

    '// Construct SQL ->
    strSQL1 = "SELECT Sum(ItemDemandHistory.DemandUnits) AS Issues, PlanningCalendar.WeekEndDate, ItemDemandHistory.ItemID " & _
    "FROM PlanningCalendar INNER JOIN ItemDemandHistory ON PlanningCalendar.WeekEndDate = ItemDemandHistory.WeekEndDate " & _
    "GROUP BY PlanningCalendar.WeekEndDate, ItemDemandHistory.ItemID, PlanningCalendar.CompanyID " & _
    "HAVING PlanningCalendar.WeekEndDate>=? " & _
    "AND PlanningCalendar.WeekEndDate<=? " & _
    "AND ItemDemandHistory.ItemID=? " & _
    "AND PlanningCalendar.CompanyID=?"

    '// Validate parameters ->
    If Not fIsNullOrEmpty(strSQL1) And _
        Not fIsNullOrEmpty(lngCompanyID) And _
        Not fIsNullOrEmpty(lngItemID) And _
        Not fIsNullOrEmpty(dtmStartDate) And _
        Not fIsNullOrEmpty(dtmStartDate) And _
        Not fIsNullOrEmpty(intPeriods) Then

        '// Initialize database ->
        Set objDb1 = New clADO
        With objDb1
            .Initialize DatabaseType:=DBTypeEnum.TypeODBC
            .CursorLocation = adUseClient: .CommandType = adCmdText: .CursorType = adOpenStatic

            '// Retrieve recordset ->
            Set objRs = .ExecuteQuery(strSQL1, dtmStartDate, dtmEndDate, lngItemID, lngCompanyID)
            With objRs
                If Not (.EOF And .BOF) Then
                    If .RecordCount > 0 Then

                        '// Collect the number of records ->
                        lngRecords = .RecordCount

                        '// Construct and array to store the cummulative values ->
                        Dim arrCumulative As Variant
                        ReDim arrCumulative(1 To lngRecords) As Double

                        '// Construct and array to store the cummulative values ->
                        Dim arrWMA As Variant
                        ReDim arrWMA(1 To lngRecords) As Double

                        '// Move cursor to first position ->

                        '// Traverse through the recordset ->
                        For i = 1 To lngRecords

                            '// Set counter defaults ->
                            dblTempSum = 0
                            k = 0

                            '// Check if first record and assign first value to cummulative array ->
                            If i = 1 Then
                                arrCumulative(i) = .Fields(0)
                                arrCumulative(i) = .Fields(0) + arrCumulative(i - 1)
                            End If

                            '// At points <= period N, calculate a simple average ->
                            '// Example using 3 Periods: If N=3, MA(1) = first series point, MA(2) = Average(first two points), MA(3) = Average(first three points)...etc ->
                            If i <= intPeriods Then
                                arrWMA(i) = arrCumulative(i) / i
                                '// When i > intPeriods, the moving average calculation kicks in ->
                                For j = i - intPeriods + 1 To i
                                    k = k + 1
                                    dblTempSum = dblTempSum + .Fields(0) * k
                                Next j
                                arrWMA(i) = dblTempSum / dblWeightSum

                                '// Initialize database ->
                                Set objDb2 = New clADO
                                With objDb2
                                    .Initialize DatabaseType:=DBTypeEnum.TypeODBC: .CommandType = adCmdText

                                    '// Construct SQL ->
                                    strSQL2 = "UPDATE ItemDemandForecast " & _
                                    "SET ForecastUnits=? " & _
                                    "WHERE CompanyID=? " & _
                                    "AND ItemID=? " & _
                                    "AND WeekEndDate=?"

                                    '// Execute SQL ->
                                    lngDetailRecords = .ExecuteNonQuery(strSQL2, CDbl(arrWMA(i)), lngCompanyID, lngItemID, objRs.Fields(1))

                                    '// Increment record count ->
                                    lngDetailsCount = lngDetailsCount + lngDetailRecords
                                End With
                            End If
                    End If
                End If
            End With
        End With
    End If

    '// Cleanup ->
    Erase arrCumulative
    Erase arrWMA
    Erase arrWeights
    If Not objRs Is Nothing Then Set objRs = Nothing
    If Not objDb1 Is Nothing Then Set objDb1 = Nothing
    If Not objDb2 Is Nothing Then Set objDb2 = Nothing
    If Not objEh Is Nothing Then Set objEh = Nothing

End Function


CompanyID   ItemID  Planning_Period Period_Ending   Demand_Units    Forecast_Units
1           10      1               2016-01-10      814             814
1           10      2               2016-01-17      1386            1386
1           10      3               2016-01-24      571             1100
1           10      4               2016-01-31      827             883.17
1           10      5               2016-02-07      1217            834.83
1           10      6               2016-02-14      1143            979.33
1           10      7               2016-02-21      1249            1115.00
1           10      8               2016-02-28      1303            1208.33
1           10      9               2016-03-06      1283            1258.33
1           10      10              2016-03-13      1379            1284.00
1           10      11              2016-03-20      990             1334.33
1           10      12              2016-03-27      1241            1168.50


  1. 计算基于以前的销售记录的项目/期加权移动平均预测。
  2. 使用计算出的预测,更新每个匹配项/周期的预测。
vba ms-access access-vba



dblWeightSum = intPeriods * (intPeriods + 1) / 2

这仅仅是一个整数从1到intPeriods总和,像1 + 2 + 3 + ... + intPeriods


dblTempSum = 0
k = 0

For j = i - intPeriods + 1 To i
    k = k + 1
    dblTempSum = dblTempSum + .Fields(0) * k
Next j
arrWMA(i) = dblTempSum / dblWeightSum


其次,考虑到循环迭代的总数是简单intPeriods。 k有效地从1开始,然后从1计数到intPeriods。循环的每次迭代乘以当前的k值相同的电流值.Fields(0)。总体而言,环路产生重写为下面的总和

dblTempSum = .Fields(0) * (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + intPeriods)



arrWMA(i) == dblTempSum / dblWeightSum
          == .Fields(0) * (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + intPeriods) / (1 + 2 + 3 + ... + intPeriods)
          == .Fields(0)



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