
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我需要一个函数,将值作为字节,起始位置作为整数,并返回 1 或 0 作为无符号字节,具体取决于相应位是 1 还是 0。

示例1: 十进制 100 是二进制 0110 0100。如果起始位置(索引)是 1(从左数),我预计返回 1,因为 0110 0100。

示例2: 如果起始位置为 0,我预计返回 0,因为 0110 0100。


我当前的问题是函数返回错误的结果。提供的位置偏离了 1。我知道这是错误,因为我测试了这个直到位置 4。我可以简单地写


在带有数组的函数中,当前代码中包含 204,因为我从 C++ 解决方案中改编了该函数,它故意读取超出数组边界的内容而不引发异常。在调试模式下,无论我多久重新启动一次电脑,我都会看到 204。


Option Strict On
Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Dim result1 As Byte = GetBitByPos(100, 0)
        Dim result2 As Byte = GetBitByPos(100, 1)

        Dim result3 As Byte = GetBitByPosArray({100}, 0)
        Dim result4 As Byte = GetBitByPosArray({100}, 1)
    End Sub

    Private Function GetBitByPos(value As Byte, pos As Integer) As Byte
        Return CByte(value >> (8 - pos Mod 8) And &H1)
    End Function

    Private Function GetBitByPosArray(buffer As Byte(), pos As Integer) As Byte
        If pos \ 8 >= buffer.Length Then
            Return CByte(204 >> (8 - pos Mod 8) And &H1)
        End If
        Return CByte(buffer(pos \ 8) >> (8 - pos Mod 8) And &H1)
    End Function
End Module
vb.net bit-manipulation

你可以试试这个。 它适用于所有整数值类型。

''' <summary>
''' determine if bit is on or off
''' </summary>
''' <param name="value">the value to check</param>
''' <param name="position">which position(from left), 63 - 0</param>
''' <returns>true if on</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Function IsBitAtPositionOn(value As Int64,
                                      position As Integer) As Boolean

    Dim rv As Boolean = False
    Dim whBit As Long = 1L << (63 - position)
    If (value And whBit) = whBit Then
        rv = True
    End If
    Return rv
End Function

''' <summary>
''' determine if bit is on or off
''' </summary>
''' <param name="value">the value to check</param>
''' <param name="position">which position(from left), 31 - 0</param>
''' <returns>true if on</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Function IsBitAtPositionOn(value As Int32,
                                      position As Integer) As Boolean

    Dim L As Long = value
    L = L << 32 'position
    Return IsBitAtPositionOn(L, position)
End Function

''' <summary>
''' determine if bit is on or off
''' </summary>
''' <param name="value">the value to check</param>
''' <param name="position">which position(from left), 15 - 0</param>
''' <returns>true if on</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Function IsBitAtPositionOn(value As Int16,
                                      position As Integer) As Boolean

    Dim L As Long = value
    L = L << 48 'position
    Return IsBitAtPositionOn(L, position)
End Function

''' <summary>
''' determine if bit is on or off
''' </summary>
''' <param name="value">the value to check</param>
''' <param name="position">which position(from left), 7 - 0</param>
''' <returns>true if on</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Function IsBitAtPositionOn(value As Byte,
                                        position As Integer) As Boolean

    Dim L As Long = value
    L = L << 56 'position
    Return IsBitAtPositionOn(L, position)
End Function
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