我已经浏览了这里的一些示例,但似乎没有什么完全符合我的需要。 我需要采用变量.....DeptVar =“E22E27E33”(这是用户表单的结果) 并把它变成这个 [Department] = "E22" 等等。 我遇到的问题是在部门 (E22) 周围加上引号
Sub CreateString ()
Dim Index as Integer
Dim DeptVar as String
Dim DeptString as String
DeptVar = "E22E27E33" ' <---This is how it is gathered from the userform
Index = 1
Do While Index < 8
If DeptString = "" Then
DeptString = "[Department] = " & "" Mid(DeptVar, index, 3) & ""
Else: DeptString = DeptString & "," " AND [Department = " & Mid, index, 3)
end if
index = index +3
end Sub
它当前返回: [部门] = E22,并且 [部门] = E27,并且 [部门] = E33
我需要它来返回这个: [部门] = “E22”,并且 [部门] = “E27”,并且 [部门] = “E33”
Sub CreateString()
Const TMPL = "[Department] = ""###"""
Dim DeptVar As String, DeptString As String, i As Long, s As String
DeptVar = "E22E27E33" ' <---This is how it is gathered from the userform
i = 1
Do While i < Len(DeptVar)
DeptString = DeptString & s & Replace(TMPL, "###", Mid(DeptVar, i, 3))
i = i + 3
s = ", AND "
Debug.Print DeptString
End Sub