我正在尝试创建一个 powershell 脚本,以便在每次运行脚本时仅将与模式(可以是一行或多行)匹配的新条目从一个文件复制到另一个文件。源文件由应用程序随机更新,但请求是每小时复制最后的条目。
Write-Host "Declaring the output log file ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$destinationfile = 'C:\file\out\output.log'
Write-Host "Getting the last line of the source file ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$sourcefile = 'C:\app\blade\inputlogs.log'
$sourcefilelastline = Get-Content $originfile | Select-Object -last 1
Write-Host "Getting the last line of the destination file ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$destinationfilelastline = Get-Content $destinationfile | Select-Object -last 1
if ($sourcefilelastline -eq $destinationfilelastline){
Write-Host "Skipping the process ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Reading the source log file and updating destination file ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$sourcefilecontent = Get-Content -Path $sourcefile | Where-Object { $_ -ne '' } | Select-String -Pattern 'error' -CaseSensitive -SimpleMatch
$sourcefilecontent | Add-Content $destinationfile
Read-LastLinesOfTextFile 函数:
function Read-LastLinesOfTextFile {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
$RegistryPath = "HKCU:\Software\$AppName" # Registry key path for storing registry value
if (-not (Test-Path "$RegistryPath")) { # If key path does not exists
$null = New-Item -Path $RegistryPath -Force # Then create registry key
# Check if the registry value for LastPosition does NOT exists - https://stackoverflow.com/a/43921551/4190564
if ( (Get-ItemProperty "$RegistryPath").PSObject.Properties.Name -notcontains "LastPosition" ) {
# Create LastPosition value
$null = New-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name "LastPosition" -Value 0 -PropertyType DWORD -Force
# Save registry value LastPosition to $LastPosition
$LastPosition = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $RegistryPath -Name "LastPosition"
$CurrentFileSize = (Get-Item $TextFile).Length # Get current file size
if ($CurrentFileSize -lt $LastPosition) { # If the file is smaller than it used to be
$LastPosition = 0 # Then assume it was deleted and now has all new data.
} elseif ($CurrentFileSize -lt $LastPosition) {
return @()
# Open file stream
try { $FileStream = New-Object System.IO.FileStream($TextFile, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open, [System.IO.FileAccess]::Read) }
catch { return @() }
# Open stream reader
try { $StreamReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($FileStream) }
catch {
$FileStream.Close() # Close FileStream
return @()
$Return = @() # Define default return value of empty array
try {
if ($LastPosition) { # If LastPosition anything other than 0
# Seek last position
$null = $FileStream.Seek($LastPosition, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin)
$Text = $StreamReader.ReadToEnd() # Read to the end of the file
# Update the registry with the new last position
Set-ItemProperty -Path $RegistryPath -Name "LastPosition" -Value $FileStream.Position
$Return = $Text -split "\r?\n" # Split string into lines. https://stackoverflow.com/a/76831908/4190564
finally {
$StreamReader.Close() # Close StreamReader
$FileStream.Close() # Close FileStream
return $Return
替换为您的脚本特有的名称,这样您就不会与使用相同函数的其他脚本发生冲突。看起来您正在与“错误”进行区分大小写的比较,因此我在本示例中使用了 -cmatch
。如果您希望不区分大小写,请将其更改为 -match
Read-LastLinesOfTextFile 'MyLogReader' "$PSScriptRoot\MyLogFile.LOG" | Where-Object { $_ -cmatch 'error' } | Add-Content $destinationfile
Get-content 有一个开关“tail”,可让您从文件中读取最后几行。根据微软自己的话:
Tail 参数获取文件的最后一行。此方法比检索变量中的所有行并使用 [-1] 索引表示法更快。
function Get-FileLastContent {
param (
Position = 0,
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = 'Path to File')]
[ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
Position = 1,
HelpMessage = 'Number of lines lines to check')]
$LastLines = 1
$FileContent = Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Tail $LastLines
Return $FileContent
Write-Host -Object "Declaring the output log file ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$destinationfile = 'C:\file\out\output.log'
Write-Host -Object "Getting the last line of the destination file ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$destinationfilelastline = Get-FileLastContent -FilePath $destinationfile
$LastLines = 1
Write-Host -Object "Getting the last line of the source file ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
$sourcefile = 'C:\app\blade\inputlogs.log'
$sourcefilelastline = Get-FileLastContent -FilePath $sourcefile -LastLines $LastLines
Write-Host -Object $sourcefilelastline
if (($sourcefilelastline -ne $destinationfilelastline)) {
Write-Host -Object "Reading the source log file and updating destination file ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow
while ($sourcefilelastline[0] -ne $destinationfilelastline) {
$sourcefilelastline = Get-FileLastContent -FilePath $sourcefile -LastLines $LastLines
#$sourcefilelastline = $sourcefilelastline | Where-Object { $_ -ne '' } | Select-String -Pattern 'error' -CaseSensitive -SimpleMatch
$sourcefilelastline= $sourcefilelastline | Select-Object -Skip 1
@("`n") + $sourcefilelastline | Add-Content -Path $destinationfile -Force -Encoding UTF8 -NoNewline
else {
Write-Host -Object "Skipping the process ..... " -ForegroundColor Yellow