有关Pandoc site列表的整个文档似乎是错误的,或者至多是一个巨大的混乱。
我主要解决了处理列表中多个段落的方式,但我坚持使用以下组合:代码块段落后面的文本段落从列表中删除。也就是说,代码块段落会破坏列表(如latex .tex输出文件中所示;使用选项-t tex)。
如果以下Markdown文本在文件test.md中,我使用Pandoc作为pandoc -t latex test.md -o test.pdf
1. List item. Paragraph 1
// Second paragraph is a code block. If start at column 6, code shows ok.
// Additional indentation only moves code block further right
// Notice code block tag/backticks starts at column 1 though!!
// If it starts at col 2+, code block w/ tag is messed up as all code block.
var x = 3
print( "Pandoc has made a mess out of Markdown!" )
Paragraph 3. However list is broken and Par 3 falls off.
2. List item
// Second paragraph is a code block. If start at column 6, code shows ok.
// Additional indentation only moves code block further right
// Notice code block tag/backticks starts at column 1 though!!
// If it starts at col 2+, code block w/ tag is messed up as all code block.
var x = 3
print( "Pandoc has made a mess out of Markdown!" )
Paragraph 3. However list is broken and Par 3 falls off.
// Second paragraph is a code block. If start at column 6, code shows ok.
// Additional indentation only moves code block further right
// Notice code block tag/backticks starts at column 1 though!!
// If it starts at col 2+, code block w/ tag is messed up as all code block.
var x = 3
print( "Pandoc has made a mess out of Markdown!" )
1. List item, no indention
This paragraph is indented by two tabs (four spaces).
Put separating newlines below and above the following code chunk:
// This code chunk is indented by two tabs (four spaces)
var x = 3
print("Pandoc has made a mess out of Markdown!")
Paragraph 3 is indented by two tabs.
2. List item, no indention