使用Python中的OSMnx库,提取了一个大的地理数据框,其中有很多ID。 从该 GeoDataFrame 中,我获取了一些 ID,例如,一个 id 为 263515466 且类型为“Way”的元素。
如果我检查 OpenStreetMap 网站,我可以找到这个对象 - https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/263515466
ox.geocoder.geocode_to_gdf('W263515466', which_result=None, by_osmid=True)
import osmnx as ox
ox.geocoder.geocode_to_gdf('W263515466', which_result=None, by_osmid=True)
我收到一个错误: 错误
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- InsufficientResponseError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[534], line 1 ----> 1 ox.geocoder.geocode_to_gdf('W263515466', which_result=None, by_osmid=True) File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\osmnx\geocoder.py:139, in geocode_to_gdf(query, which_result, by_osmid, buffer_dist) 137 gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame() 138 for q, wr in zip(query, which_result): --> 139 gdf = pd.concat([gdf, _geocode_query_to_gdf(q, wr, by_osmid)]) 141 # reset GeoDataFrame index and set its CRS 142 gdf = gdf.reset_index(drop=True) File ~\AppData\Local\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\osmnx\geocoder.py:186, in _geocode_query_to_gdf(query, which_result, by_osmid) 183 if not results: 184 # if no results were returned, raise error 185 msg = f"Nominatim geocoder returned 0 results for query {query!r}" --> 186 raise InsufficientResponseError(msg) 188 if by_osmid: 189 # if searching by OSM ID, always take the first (ie, only) result 190 result = results[0] InsufficientResponseError: Nominatim geocoder returned 0 results for query 'W263515466'
我本来希望在身份证上看到 GDF,我一直在关注这一点。