
问题描述 投票:0回答:1
If a file is having below content

Label abc
First line
Second line
Append line at the end of this line
Append line at the end of this line
Append line at the end of this line
Last line

How to append a string “added string” to the first occurrence of “Append line at the end of this line” using ansible playbook 

Label abc
First line
Second line
Append line at the end of this line added string 
Append line at the end of this line
Append line at the end of this line
Last line


- name: Replace only the first occurrence of a line in a file and append values
  hosts: localhost
    - name: Read the file content
        path: /path/to/your/file
      register: file_content

    - name: Modify only the first occurrence of the line and append values
        updated_lines: >-
          {%- set found = False -%}
          {%- for line in (file_content.content | b64decode).split('\n') -%}
            {%- if not found and line.startswith('label Linux') -%}
              {%- set found = True -%}
              {{ line + ' your_append_text' }}
            {%- else -%}
              {{ line }}
            {%- endif -%}
          {%- endfor -%}

    - name: Write the modified content back to the file
        content: "{{ updated_lines | join('\n') }}"
        dest: /path/to/your/file
        backup: yes
ansible jinja2 ansible-2.x


shell> cat /tmp/ansible/file 
Label abc
First line
Second line
Append line at the end of this line added string
Append line at the end of this line
Append line at the end of this line
Last line


    - lineinfile:
        path: /tmp/ansible/file
        regexp: '^Append line at the end of this line.*$'
        line: 'Append line at the end of this line added string'
        firstmatch: true


shell> cat /tmp/ansible/file 
Label abc
First line
Second line
Append line at the end of this line added string
Append line at the end of this line
Append line at the end of this line


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