sentence="\<Name\>Mary\</Name\> has a little lamb it's fleece as white as snow and everywhere that \<Name\>Sharon\</Name\> went the lamb was sure to go. \<Name\>Lucy\</Name\>, \<Name\>Mary\</Name\> quite contrary how does your garden grow?"
sentence=" has a little lamb it's fleece as white as snow and everywhere that went the lamb was sure to go. , quite contrary how does your garden grow?"
我不知道如何实现这一目标。有人有 sed、awk 等解决方案吗?
最好的方法是使用 sed,如下所示:
sentence="<Name>Mary</Name> has a little lamb it's fleece as white as snow and everywhere that <Name>Sharon</Name> went the lamb was sure to go. <Name>Lucy</Name>, <Name>Mary</Name> quite contrary how does your garden grow?"
# Use sed to remove everything between <Name> and </Name>, including the tags
cleaned_sentence=$(echo "$sentence" | sed 's/<Name>[^<]*<\/Name>//g')
echo "$cleaned_sentence"